How to exercise with a BUSY schedule?

My day starts sometimes at 3 AM and then I won't get home until like 5:30 AM and then I have to get the kids up and going, pack their lunches, make breakfast, and take one to his daycare and help one get on her bus. (7:10 AM already).

THEN I walk 30 minutes to school and stay there until like 1-3 PM (varies).

Then it's picking the kids up, making dinner, etc.

I haven't been able to workout lately!! The only time I get alone is at night and then I don't want to wake the kids up (Paul takes forever to fall asleep and if he wakes up then he's super grouchy in the morning).

Any help? I'm thinking about 2-5 minutes of jump roping outside. Not really working out much or doing it properly, but anything is better than nothing right?