My goal for 2014...realistic but crazy!

Okay, I have gained about 10 of the 50 pounds I lost back due to lack of exercise and this crummy weather we've had down in the Deep in that wacky Winter Storm Leon and the overall winter, period. However, I already have a goal for 2014: Lose the 10 lbs and look better before Dragon Con 2014 for Labor Day Weekend. The big reason:


Yes, I'm NOT kidding. This year I want to cosplay as Dr. Jonathan Chase himself from Manimal! What he's wearing in this photo will be the costume, and yes, I'm going for the 1983 haircut, too! That's a win-win situation because if it's hot during that time, no hot wig to sweat under AND shorter hair!

I'm 39 years old going on 40 this year, and I plan on making this one of the craziest years of my life!


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    You guys have really been getting pummeled with snow. I mean, it's nothing for me here in Michigan, but we have giant snow plows (I mean, these suckers will take you out. I remember going further south where they only have a little bit of snow, and their plows looked like our personal plow trucks, not commercial!) and snow tires to help us along, not to mention that I've been dealing with it since I was 16.

    Good luck on your cosplay!
  • shazbox1
    shazbox1 Posts: 175 Member
    You guys have really been getting pummeled with snow. I mean, it's nothing for me here in Michigan, but we have giant snow plows (I mean, these suckers will take you out. I remember going further south where they only have a little bit of snow, and their plows looked like our personal plow trucks, not commercial!) and snow tires to help us along, not to mention that I've been dealing with it since I was 16.

    Good luck on your cosplay!

    Its so true, I saw somebody complain that they had THREE inches of snow and I lold real hard. That haircut is gonna be pro though.