Carpal tunnel surgery & Excercise



  • cmfisher84
    cmfisher84 Posts: 17 Member
    I have mild bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. I have been off work for two months because I drop things and my hands go numb. I have tried braces and they don't work for me. We have also tired nerve pain medicine and it doesn't work now either. I go Monday to the hand specialist. Hopefully we get answers. Can't keep missing work. If it was up to me I would have the surgery and get it over with.
  • goll333
    goll333 Posts: 1 Member
    Hmm. Well I had the CT surgery in both hands, year apart and 15 yrs later than I should have had it. The symptoms form the Carpal are gone but yeah Push ups are a problem.

    Started working in Construction and yeah using fine motor control is ok but when it comes to using screw drivers or doing continuous wrist movements the pain shows up. Different from the CT, the forearm feels swollen and there is cramping in the hand, not fingers. I figure that the muscle the surgeon cuts is now weaker overall because its been split. Yoga is ok, as I've used that to help stretch out the forearms but I'm going to grab some push up bars. Only because I remember them from the P90x dvds
  • plumbguy101
    plumbguy101 Posts: 42 Member
    I had CT surgery years ago ....I bounced back pretty fast. The doc said it was due to me being in my late 20s and I was in good shape. I guess if I were older the recovery would maybe have been different. Hang in there! Strength will return.