


  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Read this book:


    Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking

    I was a skeptic, but I haven't smoked since Jan 9 and don't want to.

  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Smoked for five years, a pack a day at least. I've been 7 months clean now :happy:
    Kinda got addicted to nicotine gum, but it's better than being a chain smoker. And I've almost weaned myself off the gum as well. It's mostly a psychological thing, I'm happy with just two pieces a day, used to be the whole strip initially. Hopefully another couple of weeks and I'll be done with nicotine altogether.
    And did I mention I can jog up flights of stairs without panting like a *kitten* now? And exercise so much better :drinker:
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Me and my fella have been cigarette free since May 2012.
    My tip for the cravings is sugar free lollies. That's what we used, it tricks your brain and keeps your hands and mouth busy.

    Remember what ever your reasons are to quit.
    It will be a struggle and you will have your will power tested but trust me 12 months from now, you will not even bother about it.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Thanks everyone, drank a ton of water today, even tried that mimicking thing(which actually seemed to work). No smoke for me! Being cooped up in the house is terrible. Need to get outside.

    Good Job keep it up - The first week i quit I used an e cig (just a plain Vapour one no Nicotine no fancy Flavours - Called Blu I think - only ever used the one took a couple of weeks to wear it out just used it as a psychological crutch.
    If you are an Addictive Personality (I am and I have a number of friends who became Junkies) - All of whom said quitting junk was a piece of cake compared to quitting smoking so don't feel bad when the cravings continue beyond the true physical addiction (it's 3 days to clear the Nicotine from your system a lot longer to clear all the habits and cues
  • PickleJuice9484
    PickleJuice9484 Posts: 9 Member
    I quit a few years ago while dieting and it was HARDDD!!! =( I used an e-cig, but didn't feel that it helped much. I ran to the store and bought some nicorette gum and that REALLY helped for emergencies. I got the lowest strength and only used half a piece, i didn't use it as much as the directions said, only as needed and it did the job.

    Good luck!! =)
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    I quit four years ago when I divorced my husband (who was a smoker).

    One of the most brilliant drivers for me was the quote from the movie Dead Again: "You're either a smoker or a non-smoker, decide which one you are and be that"

    I decided I was a non-smoker. Period.

    And really, once you are over the hump and a smoker walks by you and you realize how bad it smells, Oy you don't want to go back to that. You really don't realize how bad it smells until you stop.

    And the amount of money you spend to feed this habit is crazy. Cigarettes cost almost $10 a pack here, and it shocks me that people pay that much. Pack a day? You are spending $300 a month, that's just crazy to me.
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    I quit cold turkey back in 1998 after smoking and dipping for 15 years.

    I still routinely get an an urge to smoke. For me it wasn't the nicotine - it was the act of smoking. I chew a ton o toothpicks still to this day.

    I just try to remember why I quit: health and $$ and that keeps me straight.

    And chewing on toothpicks.