Fat macro, always go a bit over...

I am terrible at hitting my macros, not so terrible that I'm eating 90% fat or anything, but I have noticed that my fat especially and my protein are always a bit high for the day while I always lag behind in my carbs, which I guess would be awesome if I were aiming to go low carb but when I cut back on my carbs too drastically I feel like crap (and coincidentally can't poop, which is always suuuuper pleasant)
I'm just following the preset macros, because well, macros still confuse the crap out of me, so I guess what I'm saying is: is it terrible to go over on one of your macros in particular(like fat, seriously I don't know how I do it) so long as you're still eating a mostly balanced diet?


  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    There are plenty of people meeting their goal using their own macro settings, so don't feel like if you aren't exactly meeting the MFP suggested macros you are not going to meet your goals or start suffering from malnutrition.

    Are you meeting your calorie goals? How about your other nutrients (iron, calcium, etc)? What is MFP suggesting for fat intake and what are you averaging?
  • Efflictim
    Efflictim Posts: 147 Member
    If you are within your calorie goal and you are eating healthy fats then it shouldnt be a problem.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I also try to look at my week. When I average for the week I am usually pretty much within the macros even though I can be high fat one day, high carb another and high protein another. I do try to hit a slightly lower carb % and slightly higher protein (by about 5%).