Exercise, What to do?

Here is my story!! Yikes! I am a 50 year old women that has lost 80 lbs and I have been trying to lose the last 25 lbs for 6 mths. without much success! I did have surgery (adbominoplasty) to remove belly fat and excess skin in July! I got the ok to continue exercise 6 wks after and continued running. This was my routine running/walk 2 miles a day and Zumba 3x a wk for 2 hrs. wgt training 3 days a wk, with a personal trainer (weekends off, usually). I really try to eat my work out calories, but not all the time. I eat mainly protein and follow a gluten free diet. I drink only water and on the weekends I was drinking wine but recently cut that out :(. In December since I wasn't losing inches or wgt with that I switched to Monday cardio pump, Tuesday RPM Wed Cardio Pump and Cardio Jam, Thurdsday Circuit, and Yoga Friday Cardio Pump Sat and Sun Off 6 and ¾ hrs. of exercise a wk. plus I do sets of squats, lunges, isometrics while watching TV.
I have not lost an inch!!!

I do have a thyroid issue! My doctor has me on synthroid but my level is OK, he saw my food diary and is sending me to an endocrinologist but in the mean time I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of anything like this!! I know my metabolism is slow but not this sloooowwww!!

When I've lost wgt before I just did protein shakes, but I fear it messes up my metabolism and I don't want to do that again!

Thanks for your input!!

PS I would love and friends on here too!!


  • happyrelation
    Young adults are already in a category that lose weight a lot faster than say someone who is 45.
    I am 40 and found P90X and Insanity worked well..very well. Bill Phillips Body for Life worked very well years ago.
    And I wanted something that was easier on my body, didn't take as much time, and I didn't have to think about what my next meal was going to be.
    I researched and found two that my full criteria. I know there are more out there...
    First I found one that is great for men and women at http://buildthemuscle.net.
    And the one I decided to do because it has a great support system of women doing the program and finished the program, just for women, and simply laid out and guaranteed and I found it at http://inshapenow.net.
    I'm losing on average 1 1/2 pounds a week.
    I think one of the keys to success is setting yourself up for success. Find a plan that is realistic to your lifestyle so you aren't cheating or angry at yourself for missing a workout or a meal.

    To your lifestyle change!