Looking for Friends

Hi, My name is Colleen and I am looking for friends that would like to join my Facebook Group. I have added my close friends, but I would really like to find some people that are really serious about losing weight and staying healthy. I have lost around 20 pounds and now I am looking to maintain my weight and to start working on gaining muscle and becoming stronger then I have ever been. I created the group because the one thing that help me stay on track was the motivational stories and quotes I was able to find online. I would love if I could find more people to support me and I would love to be able to support others in there journey. I created the group because I love how much better I feel and the group reminds me to keep going because its worth it. Thank you to anyone that would like to join. I post mainly on the weekdays. I post mainly quotes but If anyone would like to post about there journey that would be awesome :) Please remember I am not a health expert and anything I post is just my opinion. Anyone that brings negativity into the group will be removed. The group is called Alright, I need some Motivation if you can not find it please email me at Ckyle8@gmail.com Thanks Everyone :)