Last chance for a new start!

I've tried this, gone about it the wrong way ended up bingeing and feeling worse so I decided I needed a fresh start including user name.

I've always been quite lucky and been under 9 stone but in 2012 I was iill and ended up having 3 operations, I have put on 50lbs and need to lose it but I'm really impatient. Unfortunately I can't exercise at the moment so its all down to my diet.

I've failed numerous times by trying illy things such as the atkins shakes etc, different diets in magazines, books etc. and none worked and I ended up bingeing and feeling worse.

Any advice or tips I would really REALLY appreciate, I recently bought 'The sweet poison quit plan' and it said under no circumstances have low fat fruit yoghurts, diet drinks or sugar free sweets and gum and now I'm confused!

Please message me if you can help! Thanks for taking time to read this!!! x


    FABRICWOMAN Posts: 539 Member
    Hello there. I love your topic. Beginning in January I too felt this was my last chance. There are no quick fixes in losing our excess weight. We gain this through eating too much and not moving enough. This is the reason I love coming to this sight and tracking my food and exercise. It was really helped me out. I don't like to exercise that much, but will slowly incorporate it as I lose the lbs. I see you document your weight as stones. Must be across the pond. No matter what continent you're on, we are all facing the food demon. I wish you a speedy recovery from your surgeries. Just keep focused on tracking what you eat. I actually pre-plan and put a days worth of what I am going to eat in the food diary. If I change what I eat, I go and change it. It keeps me accountable and focused to see what my daily food allowances are and what I have left to eat before the end of the day. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.