Good ways to burn 7,000 cal a week

I was wondering if I should jump rope an hour a day at slow pace since most sites say for my weight is around 7,000 cal

But I would love to hear other work out routines

Sorry supposed to be a ? At the end of the title


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    1. You can't jump rope for an hour a day. There is no way to "slowly" jump rope unless you are jumping, coming to a complete stop, waiting, then jumping again. The lowest continuous-speed rope jumping is fairly high-impact and fairly high intensity. Jumping rope is more of a tempo or interval type of activity.

    2. Planning to burn 7,000 calories a week is unnecessary and impractical for weight loss. I've done it for awhile, at a time when I could burn 1,000-1,100 calories an hour, and even then it required doing 2 workouts a day at times.

    Exercise is only about 15%-30% of the weight loss equation. Setting up a "heroic" exercise program often starts to work against you in the long run.

    The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 1500-2500 exercise calories per week for weight loss. Someone who is bigger or more fit can push it to 3,000, but beyond that, while possible, is not practical.

    You are better off setting up a balanced program that is going to include endurance cardio, interval cardio, strength training and increased casual activity, combined with reasonable, but consistent calorie intake.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    1. You can't jump rope for an hour a day. There is no way to "slowly" jump rope unless you are jumping, coming to a complete stop, waiting, then jumping again. The lowest continuous-speed rope jumping is fairly high-impact and fairly high intensity. Jumping rope is more of a tempo or interval type of activity.

    2. Planning to burn 7,000 calories a week is unnecessary and impractical for weight loss. I've done it for awhile, at a time when I could burn 1,000-1,100 calories an hour, and even then it required doing 2 workouts a day at times.

    Exercise is only about 15%-30% of the weight loss equation. Setting up a "heroic" exercise program often starts to work against you in the long run.

    The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 1500-2500 exercise calories per week for weight loss. Someone who is bigger or more fit can push it to 3,000, but beyond that, while possible, is not practical.

    You are better off setting up a balanced program that is going to include endurance cardio, interval cardio, strength training and increased casual activity, combined with reasonable, but consistent calorie intake.


    If you're just starting off, start slowly. Walk on the treadmill for 20 or 30 minutes a day a few days a week. Do a Pilates routine a couple of times a week. In the beginning, it's so easy to focus on exercise while our eating habits just run rampant. "It's hard to out-exercise a bad diet." Small changes, both diet and exercise wise, add up over the long term and don't risk burnout.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i love jumping rope but there is ZERO chance of me jumping for 1 hour a day, each day of the week. and there are probably ZERO sites that are telling you that you need to burn 7000 worth of exercise calories per week to get fit.

    you're misunderstanding. you need a 7000 calorie deficit to lose 2 pounds per week. the most practical way to get to that deficit is via a combination of diet and exercise, with diet being the key factor. try burning 300 cals per day with a reasonable exercise (40-60 mins of walking would probably get you there) and 700 coming from eating 700 cal less than your ***maintenance level***. You can do that by getting the 2pc spicy instead of the 3pc, and getting extra veggies instead of the biscuit. hella easier than blowing out a calf skipping rope for an hour every day.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    OP is probably figuring on the 3500 calories = a pound; doubling it, so 7000 calories is 2 pounds
    for the 2lb per week burn.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    Just be alive
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    come shovel my driveway. i shoveled for almost 3 hours and burned over 2000 calories today.
  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    Burning 7000 calories a week is unnecessary, possibly not even healthy, and very hard work, but if you really want to then I would suggest cycling, and lots of it.
    I've never burned 7000 cals in a week, but burned slightly over 6,000 a few times. Minimum of 2-3 hours out on the bike every single day to get up to 7000.