Trying to lose weight, and this time in a healthier way

At the end of my junior year of high school, I was about 240lb and 6'1". I decided that I was simply too fat to eat, so I basically stopped eating very much, and ended up just below 160 toward the middle of my senior year. Unfortunately, the method that I chose was severe calorie restriction with no attention to nutrients or working out, so my muscles basically wasted away as well. I started going to the gym doing weight lifting (5x5 compound movements) and eating a bunch of protein and carbs, and quickly gained a bunch of strength. Unfortunately, I turned 21 and over the year I drank my way to being a bit pudgy at 190 / 18% bf.

So, I figured this time I'd take a different approach and cut down to a better weight/bf using keto, then follow with what I did before and eat more protein/carbs while doing weight lifting 4 or so times a week. The testing strips have been reading "moderate" for about two weeks, lost about 6lb water weight, so far so good. Thought I'd go here to see what other keto-ers are doing with their diet, since mine is pretty monotonous.