Newbie Day 1 - Advice, Help!!!!

Hi there

I'm kind of new to this (well I failed once before so this is my last chance ) and wondered if anyone still feels really hungry after eating fruit.

Also I have over 40 pounds to lose (after having my baby , which was a difficult birth and who is now 5 months old !) and my fiancé has told me along with a few others that you MUST eat the calories that it states and not try go really under or jot won't work? Has anyone else heard of this or done this as once in the past the only way IO lost weight was too cut my calls to under 1000!

I'm normally just under 9 stone and never had a probe;em with weight until now so any tips or advice I'd really really appreciate, thanks for reading!


  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Hi. google for a TDEE calculator, the one on iifym is pretty good. Use the Harris-Benedict method there. That's how many calories you need to stay at your current weight. Subtract 20% from that and you're done. That's how much you should eat for healthy weight loss.
    Below 1000 is pretty unhealthy for most people.
  • Hozman121
    Hozman121 Posts: 76 Member
    First you have to eat to lose weight. Sound odd but it is the truth so eat what you are allotted to eat. As far as the fruit try and combine it with some protein. The protein will last longer to keep you from getting hungry. So apple and peanut butter or PB2, piece of cheese, ect.

    Also it is just day one so relax and take it day by day. You will have ups and downs but in the long run it will all work out if you stick with it.
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    "I'm kind of new to this (well I failed once before so this is my last chance )"

    Why is this your last chance?