Was in great shape, lost it, trying to find it.

My teammates... I'm 51 years old and 30 pounds over my optimal weight. I was in great shape, cycling on the weekends and joining a spin class or two during the week. I really seemed to lose it, the desire to exercise and as a result.... I'm now overweight.

Damn this sucks.

I got into shape in my late 40's and loved it. How did I do it then? One week at a time..... one day at a time.... one meal at a time. I know this, it's not easy, but it's worth it.

Track my progress by becoming my friend, I'll help you too.

God bless you all!

-Pete (from Atlanta)


  • It def sucks when you are doing it all and feel great, and then your motivation goes missing. That's a hard part for me... being consistent.