Lost the Motivation

My main reasons for wanting to lose weight and eat healthy were because my clothes looked terrible on me, I have a baby brother who tires me out far too easily, I'm paranoid of health issues later in life and the trigger for all of this was knowing my Uncles Wedding was only a few months away.

I don't know what has happened in say-3 weeks? I'm still trying to stick to a certain limit of foods, portion control mostly-but I notice how much I dislike the same foods I was so happy and enthused to eat before because I knew it was healthy for me. I was using break times at work to go for a walk around the block, I'd walk to and from train stations rather than take the bus. Now-I can't be bothered..

Maybe I'm just not happy with life? Lost overall motivation which is affecting everything else?

I'd love to know what gets you guys going, what keeps you going, do you have any tips?


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    All I can say as a Personal Trainer is find what works for you. Look at this as a lifestyle not a moment in your life. You have to find foods you like and that are healthy.... Life can make things harder. You need to look inside and find out why you eat bad foods what your using them to fill. Stress can casue alot of down fall when it comes to weight loss. Also how much are you working out and how hard? That can be a great stress reliever and releases endorphins the feel good chemical in the brain. If you hve any questions or help with food and exercise feel free to msg me and I will do my best to modivate and help you get back on and stay on track. Have a great day
  • brockly25
    I think might help is make a good amount of friends on here And talk to them. And try to keep the chat going and try to keep it on a up beat. " life is what you make it". "Life a garden dig it!!! " - Joe dirt. Lol
    If you like to talk i am here. Even if your down. Still talk. There so meny people on here that will talk to you.
    And it's fun :). Make the best out of it and have fun ;).
  • rockinmomto3
    rockinmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    It sounds like you're just bored. Find different ways of working out, try different healthy recipes, try different foods. Mix it up! Motivation has to come from inside you. For me, I'm sick of being fat. It's just that simple. I'm starting to enjoy healthy foods in a way I never did before! There are so many recipes out there that are YUMMY and healthy. Good luck!
  • GypsyPunkess
    Because I don't have the time nor the appropriate schedule to be cooking my own foods or be doing exercises-so before I was at least doing what I could to eat healthy AND I was using break times to do some serious fast pace walking. I try to eat a lot of fruit now but I'm not drinking as much water as I was. I think I might just be having a slum period of time? I did see a serious ex recently and the implications of that hit me severely. I'm hoping putting a lot of effort into what I'm eating and trying to see dieting as a good lifestyle that I can enjoy rather than a 'Oh damn, can't eat anything I like anymore' attitude will set me back in place.. Fingers crossed?
  • SandraMay1982
    I had a bad weekend. led to a bad day myself. honestly. i was crying this morning and I have been walking close to 5kms each day (i didn't today) >< for a couple of weeks. Sometimes life gets us down. it's how we pick ourselves back up and keep riding. I hate the wagon when it tips over. But. I know tomorrow I'll go for another walk.