Fat Vegan down 60 lbs 100 more to go...

Went Vegan a year ago and lost 60 lbs like it just melted away then I got lazy and fell in love about the same time...and my weight loss stopped. Being brilliant I figure its the lazy part. And i eat a TON of sugary foods. a lot of fruit but man do I love my cookies, crackers, and of course fat kids love cake....and pie. ALL the sugary stuff. This site has helped me lose about 4 lbs now in the past week and a half just keeping track of my calories like I've never done before. This is alot of work for a lazy person. Seems my calories are in line but my sugar intake is still high. I am working on this. Exercise? I have twice this week. Trying to not be lazy. Between work, love, kids and you know..couch surfing...hard to find the time for activity. I'm getting there. I don't just want to look young for my age...i want to be fit as well. Oh, yes, at one point I was fit enought to get my personal trainer certificate. This was in 1997. I got pregnant instead. So, I know a lot about fitness and nutrition. but again, lazy. All advice and friends welcome. Thanks for listening.
