Question about beef jerky

Hello everyone!

Just got home from Costco and bought a bunch of healthy goodies. I've already packed them all up individually for my family and I but now I am stuck on the beef jerky. The serving size is 1 oz and there's 8 serving per container. I saw somewhere that an oz. is about the same size as a slice of cheese. Would that be a good visual for when I'm dividing up the jerky?

Also! Before I even start to rip things apart, can jerky even be taken out and put in smaller baggies or must it stay in the original bag with the oxygen absorber to keep it fresh?

Thank you to everyone in advance!


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    buy a food scale. eyeballing size and weight is next to impossible.

    i wouldn't worry too much about the oxygen absorber, thats mostly their for the long term packing and shipping before it gets to your home.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    Would that be a good visual for when I'm dividing up the jerky?

    Invest in a digital kitchen scale. Don't eye anything.
  • Thank you!
  • Thank you so much! I'll go out and get one tomorrow!
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    Echo the advice to buy a scale.

    Until you do, beef jerky the size of a sandwich slice of cheese (or rather several pieces to make that size) will be more than 1 oz, and possibly more than 2 oz. Especially true if your Costco jerky brand is Pacific Gold brand - that tends to be thicker and knobbier than some other brands and when I first started weighing it to track calories I was surprised how little that 80 calorie ounce actually was!