Restarting and new resolve...

I've recently restarted my journey and have set myself some medium term goals including to lose 56 lbs by the end of this year (1 lbs, and a bit, per week) and to walk 250 miles of 'planned' exercise. I guess I have about 7 stones to lose in total. I am currently mostly following the Slimming World plan but with a few additional 'optimisations' that I want to make myself including focusing on portion control through calorie counting here.

I'm also going to start doing some reading more and blogging on what I learn about myself, about weight loss and about nutrition. Who knows, I might even try and quash some myths along the way. Mostly for my own benefit, but if it helps others, then that's great too.

I'd appreciate some more friends for mutual support on my journey and to perhaps read and comment on my blog too. Friend me and together we can lose this weight and support each other doing so.