"You can't out train a bad diet" ???



  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    You can't out train a bad diet--so what does it mean to you, OP? You answered your own question. :)

    It's pretty cool that you've tried some different eating styles and you found what makes you feel best. Most people find their optimum health with more natural foods, less junk foods, with a healthy attitude about when and on what to indulge.

    I have a new saying: "Your belly is made by your choices." Because when you look in the mirror, no matter what you see, fat or abs, it's there because of what YOU do.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    It means that you can eat 500 calories in about 5 minutes, but for most, it would take over an hour of exercise to burn off those 500 calories. Unlike what many people think, you can't overeat every day and somehow magically burn off those calories. It's simply too much work, and you'll gain weight.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Technically, because the body can only metabolize so much food in a day, it is actually possible to out train a "bad" diet. There are certain types of professional athletes whose training is, in essence, limited by the amount of food they can actually digest.

    But it would literally be a full job. You would have to train constantly.

    Not really an option for non-professionals.