Different outlook on "diet"

Fad diets.. Been there done that and gained all the weight back plus some. This time around I've educated myself about nutrition and fitness and how the two work together. I think it's important for people struggling to lose weight and sticking to it, to realize that you don't start a diet to lose weight.. You make a lifestyle change. You can be a "clean" and healthy eater and still eat things you love. It's simple changes like going from a white bread to whole wheat, cutting out soda, drinking more water, and getting a workout in as often as you can.

Also, I don't think there is one "diet" or plan that fits all people. You have to find something that works for YOU, through experimenting and read. You'd be surprised how much you can learn online.

Sure it's hard at first, it is for everyone. But the second you see the slightest bit of results it gives you that much more motivation to keep going, and before you know it it's just something you do; eating healthy and exercising.


  • Dollymaker
    Dollymaker Posts: 65 Member
    Very well stated! I had a long talk with my doctor about this, and we decided I am not going to give up anything. Instead, I will make better choices 95% of the time, stick to my calorie counting and exercise plan and the weight will eventually come off. I have to remember that I didn't gain it overnight, and I don't expect to lose it overnight, either. She told me to remember that I AM HUMAN, and to avoid binges, I am to work in small treats here and there....treats meaning a piece of bread or maybe some chocolate. It's not always easy but it IS do-able....95% of the time :wink: