Constantly falling off the path

My name is Andrea and I am 23 years old.

Let me just get this part out of the way so you don't have to waste your time reading everything if you don't want to.

I have SED (Selective Eating Disorder) or for those of you who don't believe in such a thing, I'm a picky eater. I have been for as long as I can remember, and not for lack of trying or having never tried a dish I didn't like. When I was very young, my mother said I use to eat almost anything, but she also said that that did not last very long either. It's not for lack of trying on her part or anyone else's part. I'm just that way. Many people still aren't convinced it's a real thing and I can see why, but if you don't have SED I don't really expect you to understand and I haven't found a way to explain it so that it makes sense to everyone else.

I'm not incredibly obese but I am over weight. I have learned to control my portions, I have quit soda, and even cut down on the amount of sugar and creamer (dry/powdered non-dairy) that I add to my coffee. My husband and I were making quite the progress before this past Thanksgiving and Christmas...counting calories, exercising every other day no excuses, limiting EVERYTHING and almost never eating our favorite things, maybe once in a blue moon but we feared that giving in would completely trash our progress. I had lost approximately 15 lbs in a month to a month and a half. I was so proud of myself! I felt better, I felt healthy, excited, motivated, unstoppable. Everyday.

During the holiday season, my customers are incredibly generous, so generous it is actually impossible to say no and or resist ALL of the delicious treats we are given.... so we fell, hard. Put the weight back on and have not been able to get motivated since. We've worked out here and there once in awhile, but we just cannot seem to get back on track to where we were before the horrible holidays.

Part of my issue is that I really have no one to share my joy/excitement with. Everyone brushes my husband and I off like we're pestering them with our happiness (even our friends who do exercise / run) or we just hear "yeah right" in the most sarcastic way. While we do have each other, and that should be enough, it really isn't when you want to share your experience and feelings with other people who are in the same boat. We have no one to bounce results/ ideas/ work out tips off of and it some how is setting me back.

I'm here looking for friends who can help motivate me and understand me, despite my personal eating disorder. I'm still relatively new to working out and could really use some tips and advice from people who are further along than I am. I realize everyone works differently but if it is working for some people, it's worth giving a shot...So who wants to help? :]