First big set back - gained weight



  • tiggerlgh
    tiggerlgh Posts: 73 Member
    I'm pretty sure 400 calories did not do this UNLESS they might have had a lot of extra sodium in them? then you would have water weight and that can seriously hold you at weight or a bit over.

    Everyone gains at some point, and they are like crying a river and beating themselves up Do not beat yourself up! Just get back to your normal diet and exercise and see what happens this next weigh in.

    I would evaluate what "new" foods (not normally on your diet now) that you ate on Valentines and see what the sodium level was. So if that was the issue you can make a mental note to increase your water intake next time.

    I agree the 400 extra calories is probably still less than she burned that day. Its probably extra water retention from the salt and working out. Drink more water give it a few days and it will all be gone.

    I was up .7 today from yesterday....all due to extra sodium I ate yesterday. I know it will be gone again soon. I like weighing in daily and watching the trends overall but I do not let "gains" like today's get to me. My overall trend is down that is what matters....weight loss is not linear.

    ETA: That time of the month will also play havoc with your weight (or at least mine) so if that is coming up all bets are off as to what the scale is saying. Ignore it keep doing what you have been and one morning you will see a nice loss.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    :( I got on the scale this morning and had my first big set back since I started back on here (January of this year). I gained 2.2lbs and I'm sure that's partially due to my "cheat day" on Valentine's day. (I went over my 1200 calories/day by about 400 calories). How frustrating. I'm wondering if working out now has anything to do with it? Last week was my 1st week at the gym. Maybe I'm finally building up some muscle? I'm hoping that has something to do with it because I am so bummed over this. I was getting so close to hitting my 1st 20lb loss and now I feel like it's going to take another two weeks to do that. Has anyone else had any set backs like this? .....trying not to let this ruin my day.....

    I am sure other have said it, but I will repeat it.

    First, 400 over your 1200 doesn't even eat into your calorie deficit for the day unless your goal is less than a pound a week since a pound a week is a 500 calorie deficit per day.

    Second, weigh varies for a whole bunch of reasons that have nothing to do with fat gain. Water weight is the most common, and if you have just started working out, that is likely part of the reason. The other would be the type of food you at on Valentine's. If it was higher in sodium than you are used to, or higher in carbs, both will result in retaining water.

    Third, use something more than the scale to measure progress. If you simply want weight loss have someone cut off your arm or leg and you will be at your goal weight. The goal is fat loss, and often that is not reflected in the scale. That is why taking measurements of your body, and photos as well will give you better picture of your progress than the scale. There are often people whose weight is higher, but look a lots slimmer because they lost the fat and put on a little muscle (although putting on muscle in a calorie deficit won't happen and they would be eating at maintenance or a little above). In fact there was a whole thread here in the message boards about that very thing where women who weighed more but were slimmer posted pictures. That comes from lifting heavy weights.
  • kbkeats
    kbkeats Posts: 103 Member
    I'm in the same boat today. Too much drinking and a late night meal made the scale jump up today. I'm just focusing on lots of water and a long walk this afternoon :smile:
    One night of overindulgence doesn't make you forget your new lifestyle, it just provides perspective
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    Highly doubtful you gained 2.2 pounds from going 400 calories over on one day. So many factors here... Are you sore from working out? Sometimes when I'm sore, I weigh more. Is it that time of the month or close to it? Have you had a lot of sodium? Don't get frustrated. Last week I only lost .8 lbs and I was so irritated. This week, I had a HORRIBLE cheat day and lost over a pound.. go figure. Just keep at it. Revisit your food choices - are you eating junky stuff? Are you drinking water?
  • ingoiolo
    ingoiolo Posts: 104 Member
    its all up and down, what matters is the medium or long term average, not the last number the scale gives you

    you are doing awesome! If I am having some results, anyone can
  • I have these "setbacks" every week... it's ok :) over time the scale is going down, although i agree it's very frustrating and annoying! i'm trying to learn not to let it affect me and just focus on the ongoing downward trend over time. bet you those 2 pounds will disappear after a couple days. you mentioned you just started working out, so muscles are likely retaining water from that. plus sodium, plus time of month, could be anything..
  • brooookeexo
    brooookeexo Posts: 51 Member
    I'm also up almost 2 pounds this week since starting in January. Sometimes when i have a cheat day (or 2..oops), my weight is way up the next day. Get back into it and give your body some time to adjust. For me, i usually lose it again pretty quickly. But i do know how bad it sucks to see the number go up :(
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I gained a few pounds here and there on my journey to a healthy weight - so what - I learned from this for sure . First of all , it's normal to get upset when you see it at first ( so easy to tell other people this ) but it could be so many things that I don't use the scale as my only tool to determine my weight loss.

    now I ate really off target for three weeks and gainged like 4 lbs - that was "real" weight gain , but I knew it would happen if I continued to eat that way and I got it back together at the end of this stupid whatever that was lol.

    If you are going to eat and cheat, if you want to call it that ,then you need to lose the guilt now - make a pact withyour self to make up for or accept what ever happens, but take care of it and don't let that little voice in your head go too far know ...the one that says " come one one more cookie isn't ging to hurt anything"

    Any how I treat a 2 pound weight gain like a small break for my hard working body , You know , like a refreshing nap , your body is ready to get back to work if it's real weight gain and it will continue to do what it does if it's just excess sodium .

    Also - I weigh myself daily but I only count the weight on one day a week and for some reason mid week I am always up by a pound or two and at the end ( if I'm losing that week ) I will be down by two pounds from the previous week ? so I'm not sure why but it's been that way since I started this ..
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    My strategy is this: I weigh once a week, on Friday morning. If I'm going to do any overeating, it's on the weekends...and I have all week to 'fix' it. Under no circumstances do I weigh in after a bad day; I don't like seeing the scale go up even if I know it's probably water retention.
  • :( I got on the scale this morning and had my first big set back since I started back on here (January of this year). I gained 2.2lbs and I'm sure that's partially due to my "cheat day" on Valentine's day. (I went over my 1200 calories/day by about 400 calories). How frustrating. I'm wondering if working out now has anything to do with it? Last week was my 1st week at the gym. Maybe I'm finally building up some muscle? I'm hoping that has something to do with it because I am so bummed over this. I was getting so close to hitting my 1st 20lb loss and now I feel like it's going to take another two weeks to do that. Has anyone else had any set backs like this? .....trying not to let this ruin my day.....

    Always weigh in the morning. and after a cheat day, i usually dont scale and even if I do, i stay optimistic knowing the reason for it. Nothing will go as planned.. Don't think of the next two weeks for that 20 lbs. Think of that next lb you want to lose. It doesn't matter how you get tehre and how long, as long as you get there.

    Start drinking more tea and water. I think I saw more improvement with the scale doing that.
  • Thanks again everyone. Reading all of your replies has helped me tremendously! It IS aggravating seeing a gain, but reading of the the replies helped me to realize that this is normal and will happen. I just need to stick with what I'm doing because in the long run, this is so much healthier than what I was doing before (which was absolutely no exercise and eating whatever I wanted).
    Also while I was at Target the other day I went to the exercise section and held the weights in my hands, just to see how much 15lbs is....quite a shock to know that's what has dropped off of me! So I'm not giving up at all and I'm not going to let this get me down.

    And today, I faced another fear: going to the gym ALONE! I did it! :) LOL!