Doing the 5:2 diet and got 60lb to loose eeek!

Hi I am Sally from West Yorkshire.

I have had a weight problem all my life, but until about 10 yrs ago, it was kept in check by my day to day life style. Then I got divorced and living by myself, changing from an active job to a desk job and wow suddenly I was over 16 stone, still not sure how I did not notice, denial is a strong thing.

I have lost over a stone in the last 8 months just by making small changes to my diet and life style, and for the last month I have been doing the 5:2 diet. I feel amazing , loosing inches, my tastes have changed and I have thrown out all the foods which say low fat and diet on them, so no more sugar rushes and crashes no more cravings.

Anyway thought I would say hello


  • Welcome!!!

    I googled the 5:2 diet as I never heard of it. So you eat normal for 5 days and severe calorie restriction for two days? How many calories do you eat those two days? And is it two days in a row?
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    Usually 500 cals for women and 600 for men. You can choose to fast whichever days you like.

    Please add me! I also have about 60lbs to lose and I am trying to do 5:2 or 3:4.
  • Interesting.

    Do people usually do this diet when they're almost at their goal or doesn't it matter.
  • kazxoxx
    kazxoxx Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I have similar amount to lose too and am starting 5:2 tomorrow! Used sw previously and lost ok but put all back on as soon as stopped going of luck to you add me too xx
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Welcome Sally. When I first saw this post/username I thought it was my sister (she's called Sally Louise and lives in Leeds)!!

    I'm also doing 5:2 and trying to lose around 65lbs.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member

    Do people usually do this diet when they're almost at their goal or doesn't it matter.

    It's more of a lifestyle than a "diet". It doesn't matter when you start; I have about 60lbs to lose and I started at 72. The idea is that when you fast you become more aware of real hunger and when to ignore hunger signal- the day after a fast most people will not gorge, unless they are obese and have binge-eating issues. Here is an article with the actual study behind the fasting concept.
  • Thanx for the info. Maybe I will try it one week. Gotta figure out what to eat though on my 500 calorie days.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    Hi Sally! Congrats on ur weight loss so far! Am also looking to try the 5:2. Some of my MFP friends have been very successful on it. Am a bit nervous about staying at 500 cals but I suppose it's nice to know the next day it's ok to eat more. I have just watched a documentary online called Eat Fast Live Longer. It appears there are loads of health benefits to doing the 5:2, sadly I'm going to have to do it for next week as I've just done a big shop lol. May I ask what ur cal goals are for fast days and food days? Thank you Becki
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Hey Sally (and everyone else!)
    Im considering the 5:2 also. Im just up the A19 from you and Im just restarting on here after a short false start!
    Initially set my goal at 26lb down to take me from top end of overweight to top end of not overweight. :-)
    I have come down from 15st 7 in 12 months just by changing little bits but have reached a plateaux for about 6 months after all good habits slipped!
    I am breastfeeding, but a toddler, so think 5:2 will be ok. Any views on that?
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    There are two 5:2 groups on this site. You will get good support there and also find friends doing the same thing.

    Good luck on your first week. You will lose your 60! I've lost 25kg on 5:2 sind May 2013 and have 6-7kg to go. The losses have slowed a bit, but I'm still losing.