another looking for friends and motivation!

Hey everyone! I've been trying to use just the app on and off for about 2 years. I always see peoples trackers on other sites, and figured i might as well try the community as well, particularly after reading another article about how having additional support can be such a big help!

Anyway, I've got a destination wedding to go to in 6 months, and i want to be able to be comfortable in a swimsuit. Unfortunately, i have a really hard time staying motivated, so I'm looking for some help with that, especially when it comes to going to the gym. I fully admit i am self conscious about my body size, and frankly I'm a little intimidated by those tiny skinny women who don't sweat always picking the elliptical next to mine (when I'm twice their size, red faced and sweating like a guy) when the entire row is empty. Why do they do that???

Anyone have any good suggestions on getting a gym buddy?

Boils down to - I'm looking for some friends to help keep me on track, so i can help keep them on track!


  • froggiebecky
    froggiebecky Posts: 24 Member
    Keep sweating. :) If you're at the gym, and not sweating, then you're not working very hard….
    Happy to travel along the road with you!