Best Diet Plan to Get Muscle Definition


I'm looking for some pointers about daily meal plans for losing fat but building muscle. I'm following a hybrid Chalean Extreme and Insanity plan (with a couple of 5km runs in the week) but I know my diet isn't the best it could be to ensure you can SEE the muscle definition (ie I'm still carrying too much body fat) so although I feel stronger you don't necessarily see it. Does that make sense?

Can anyone give me some ideal meals plans please? Easy if possible as I don't have a huge amount of time for cooking!

I was thinking something along the lines of -

Breakfast - Porridge (made with water)
Lunch - Salad and chicken or tuna mayo
Supper - poached egg and wholemeal toast

Does that sounds right?



  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Keep protein at .8g per lb of existing lean body mass or more.
    Keep fats around .4-.5g per lb of existing lean body mass.
    Fill the rest of calories with carbs.
    Maintain a calorie deficit.
    Lift heavy weights to encourage your body to hold onto existing muscle.
  • Thanks I think my fat intake is too high will lower that and keep protein high and keep away from carbs no point doing all the hard work and hiding it!
  • ab_1203
    ab_1203 Posts: 88 Member
    Huffdogg game solid advice.

    Dont keep away from carbs, especially if youre running 5km races during the week.