How do you stay positive? About health and life in general?

ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
I have suffered from severe depression my whole life. I grew up shy and was always taught to be nice.. no matter what. I'm not so shy anymore, but the being nice stuck with me and sometimes it's been a thorn in my side. I'm nice even when people treat me like dirt. At some point, I started to see the negative in people more than others.. Sometimes I find myself saying not nice things about people, and I shouldn't do that. Something happened this weekend that made me realize life is too short and I need to try to always see the positive in people and situations.

I'm trying to shift my thinking.. and it's going to be hard. How do YOU stay positive? Not judge others? See the good in people (even when they're really mean..)?

I wanna see the glass half full.

Side note - I don't think I can ever see the positive in some people - serial killers, animal abusers, child molesters, etc...


  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    IN for tips. I'm pretty negative myself.
  • Lizziebenz7
    Im struggling to see the good in people when they are just mean just be positive of who you are as a person and don't change for anyone!
  • burning2much
    burning2much Posts: 4,846 Member
    It's easy, I have it matter how bad I think things are I always know they can be so much worse.
    Trust me when I say I know the down side of things, last year this time I thought I was dying, but even then i knew I was better off then others.
    I try to always give the benefit of doubt before I make any judgment on anyone.
    Life is to short to waste on hate when there is still so much good.