Just Ordered T25.

Excited to start this new journey. Is anyone starting this soon? or have any advice to a newbie?


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I've had T25 since it came out but had to wait to start as I was pregnant (I'll be starting it on April 1st) but I've helped several people through the program with great results!

    Best advice is to not just do the workouts but follow the nutrition guide! You don't want to undo 25 minutes of crazy hard work by not following the nutrition guide!

    Feel free to friend me, I'd love to see how it goes for you!
  • texstorm
    texstorm Posts: 158 Member
    Great program. I did it last fall and really enjoyed it and got very good results.

    One tip - make sure to take about 5-10 minutes to get good and warmed up prior to starting. The warm-up that's built into the program isn't anywhere near enough and you need to be warmed up properly for any Shaun T workout. Jog in place, do jumping jack, arm circles, body weight squats, body weight lunges and just get your blood going and your heart rate up a bit.

    You may also find you need a foam roller to roll out the kinks that will inevitably show up in your calves. Shaun likes to have you bounce around like a jumping bean, and if you've got any muscle tightness in your lower legs you'll certainly feel it.

    Enjoy, and just keep pushing play.

  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    I started it one week ago yesterday and I love it! The first day was awful, but has gotten a little easier even in the short time I have been doing it.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    It's probably my favorite program of ALL time. LOVE it.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    good decision, phase yourself. there may be times that your not in condition for workout. just get started and you'll be back on track for after the warmup
  • rdtraci
    rdtraci Posts: 4 Member
    I felt like a total spaz and so uncoordinated at first! That's normal. Just go at your speed and it will get easier! I lost 4% body fat by doing the program. Now i am doing p90x3 since its another 30 minute program :)
  • Angelm0905
    Angelm0905 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on day 2 of week 2! The 2nd week is easier for sure.