why does losing weight have to be so hard?

I'm finding it to be really difficult. I didn't realize I had to weigh food, including fruit. I just assumed that eating fruit was good, no matter how much I eat of it. I find it hard to eat exactly 1, 610 calories a day, I'm always below that amount and I still go over my sugar limit. I lack variety and I have no idea what to eat, I usually just end up eating loads of fruit, even for dinner. I'm starting to get discouraged. I don't know what to do.. :(


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Stop eating so much fruit. Unless if you are diabetic or have another medical condition that applies for it, sugar does not really matter. It is your calories that count, especially if you want to lose weight. Protein, fat, fibre and carbs are often the next categories you may be interested in tracking.
  • Jennilyn79
    Jennilyn79 Posts: 30 Member
    It's definitely hard to do something new! But that's what this site is for. There's a wealth of information available. I know it may take some time but if you read the information, especially stuff at the top of the threads that are bookmarked you'll begin to learn how to do this. And yeah, it is hard to weigh food and think about what you're eating at first, but after a while you should be able to become more familiar with portion sizes etc. Honestly think about it, the amount of time it takes to plan your meals for a week and weigh out food and prepare it isn't much compared to what you have in the day. Instead of watching TV for 30 mins, create a meal plan and make your food for the day. None of this comes easily but when you start to see success it will motivate you and then it won't seem like such a chore. I actually like making sure I get all of my nutrients and tweaking my diet so my body functions at it's best. Being educated is the healthiest way to live your life, you are so young, it's the perfect time to start a good base for healthy living now.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member

    I remember back when I first started and it can be frustrating. Remember that this is a lifestyle change, not a diet, and you can still eat all the foods you enjoy. Just make sure what you eat is portion controlled, and the bad stuff is in moderation.

    I found for me it helped to decide how much to aim for, for each meal. I tend to eat around 250-300 for breakfast 100-150 for a snack, 300 for lunch, 150 for a snack, 300 for dinner, and 150-200 for a snack.

    Find things you enjoy that fit in those ranges. You may have to find healthier options - IE I LOVE TACOS!!! but can't justify all the carbs and cheese that go with. So when we have tacos, I ditch the carb and make a taco salad. Satisifies me the same but ends up being a lot less calories.

    I always try to have a fruit or veggies with every meal and snack.

    Also make sure you get enough water - I aim for 9-12 cups a day.

    It takes time to adjust but you can do it and before you know it, it will be second nature.

    I eat less per day than you, but here is some samples of what I eat...

    oatmeal, banana
    shake - protein powder, water, frozen fruit, then banana on the side (I like to chew)
    1.5 cups cereal, 1/2 cup skim milk, banana

    cheese stick or turkey pepperoni, and veggies
    hard boiled egg

    hummus/crackers, veggies, yogurt fruit
    tuna/crackers, veggies, yogurt, fruit
    wrap, cheese, meat, veggies, with yogurt and fuit

    as above, or granola bar

    Chicken, hamburger, fish, roast, etc. with rice and a salad
    always have extra for sauces (like teriyaki, spaghetti sauce, etc.)

    veggies straws or popcorn

    ETA: I may get scorned for this, but I don't care about macros!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I find it hard to eat exactly 1,610 calories a day, I'm always below that amount and I still go over my sugar limit. I lack variety and I have no idea what to eat.
    Look at your nutrition for the past 7 days, not just today. Eat 11,270 calories per week, spread out any way you like.

    Use your protein & fiber goals as minimums, and ignore fat, carbs & sugar for now. Protein is in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts (including peanut butter), dairy (including yogurt), beans & seeds.

    Eat "good" or "clean" or "healthy" (whatever those words mean to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion controlled treats into your weekly calorie goal.

    Browse other people's diaries to get ideas for new foods to try.

    Edited to add this link, which has a lot of good information (most of which I had to learn the hard way): http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    I have the same issue. Losing weight seems so hard. I've gained and lost the same 5 lbs since starting my journey 5 months ago. I am a binge eater and an emotional eater and I also can't seem to keep my motivation. I found a good quote on another site recently that may help:

    "Every time you misstep on your journey to good health, you have two choices: to keep walking backwards, which will surely take you even further away from your goals; or to accept your lack of perfection as normal and forgivable, and take not one, but two positive steps down the path that brings your closer to the future you want."
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    You dont have to eat 1610 calories every day. Think of it as a goal to be as close as you can be at the end of the day. I am frequently over my goal, sometimes by 3 calories or so, sometimes 100+. I still know at the end of the day I am still in a deficit for that day. I am still losing.

    Try not to be too rigid, its a recipe for disiaster. Have as much variety as you like so long as it fits into your goal. Some days I want to eat lots of food so I eat healthy low cal stuff, other days I want to eat junk but I know it'll mean I get to eat less volume of food.
  • MizMiami305
    MizMiami305 Posts: 188 Member
    The library has tons of books on health n fitness with alot of meal plans, go look!
    The internet too but i like books more :)
    Good luck eat more salads than loads of fruit!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Well, what did you used to eat before you started 'dieting'? Eat the same foods, just log them. so you can track your calories and macros.
  • charlicee
    All good things in life require time, dedication, and maintenance. The weight didn't pile on overnight, so losing it won't come off easily, either. Personally, I don't find it a hassle measuring out everything; yes, it means more dishes to do, but if I keep myself busy, it means less chance for boredom and my hands less chance of grabbing something.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    First off, you really don't need to be THAT exact.

    You CAN'T know whether the figures you have are right for pretty much everything, so use them as a guide.

    I wouldn't get TOO hung up on sugar.

    Most important, I would say, is calories. Get around about the right calories every day. 100 over or under is not a big issue. If you've got a good bit of a deficit, even more over may not be an issue, even regularly - though obviously best to stick to the plan for the sort of results you want.

    Then consider your macros. I'd suggest making sure you get a good bit of protein. I wouldn't overly worry about how much carbs/fat you get if in a deficit.

    Then, IF YOU WANT, worry about what your macros are made up of - whether it's sugar or complex carbs.

    At first at least, measuring is important otherwise you can't really know what you eat. However, you should soon get used to it - and with things like fruit you can an idea of what's what if you eat it regularly. Sadly I can can wander through the supermarket and quote the calorie and protein for a good number of foods. So I'll make my "day's plan" as I'm going around.
    It may be better to plan ahead a day or two if you're not sure. Some find it easier to keep to that way and you can do it when you've got a minute to get a decent balance.