So tell me why are you hear at MFP?

tlvillatorola Posts: 17 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I started MFP to lose weight and better my health. My dad died in May with Diabetes Mellitus. I saw him die for years and years, through the cruelty of diabetes and the effects of his life. It is nothing to live my, checking blood sugar every time you eat. Diabetes Mellits is the disease that effects every function in your body. It is and temporary effects your bladder, kidneys, the movement and it paralyzes your legs and arms where you are a vegetable like state. Diabetes toke everything that he had his life and it controlled it. So I want to better my health, change my life style and lose weight in the remembrance of my dad. Be healthy and live my life!


  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I came here because I was tired of not feeling good about myself. I used to spend all my free time on the computer because I was depressed about my weight and eating habits. I also wanted to get back on track with my running. Before I had my kids over 4 years ago, I used to run 3 miles a day, and now I can't run one block without feeling like coughing up a lung. I was sick and tired of being exhausted without even doing a significant amount of activity. The day I joined, I tracked my calories for the first time that day. I had consumed DOUBLE the calories that I'm supposed to. That's when I realized I REALLY needed a change before it got WAAAY out of hand. I was gaining 5 lbs a month. I have been here just 7 days, and I already notice a huge difference! I have LOADS more energy, I have lost half an inch in my neck, hips, and lost an inch in my waist. I am very grateful for this website. A GODSEND!!! OH! And I also am trying to quit smoking.

    I don't know you, but I'm proud that you would do that in honor of your father, so that you don't suffer the same fate, or at least slow down the process. Good for you!!!
  • I found MFP after many months of looking at myself in the mirror, and wondering why I let myself go. I am truly disgusted by the way I feel. I recently got engaged which is a huge reason why I need to lose the weight. My wedding is set for October 15th, 2011. I can't imagine being the size that I am and fitting into any wedding dress. I was also diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which means if I don't lose this weight, it will be very difficult to conceive a baby. I've been trying to track my calories on a daily basis, but with the chaos I call my life, it is difficult. When I found MFP, it truly was a blessing. Downloaded the app, and bam! i can be anywhere, anytime and be able to track calories. I LOVE IT!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    That is so awesome that you have put effort forth to change yourself for the better! I am rootin for you to reach your goal!
  • I came to MFP because I want a baby!

    When I reached the age of 16 I was already over 220lb's amd I hadn't started my period. Tests showed that there was nothing wrong with my hormones or the plumbing but my ovaries were slightly enlarged, possibly due to cysts. 7 years and 100lb's later and what do you know, still no periods. I've been on bc before now to give me periods (not having one for over 3 years is apparently very unhealthy and can lead to cancer) but now I'm off the pill there is still nothing.

    So I am here to help me try and loose weight so my husband and I can start our family. I've never had a huge problem with how I look, possibly due to the fact that whilst I wasn't fat as a child I was always large compared to my classmates (in height and frame) and from the onset of puberty I've just piled on the weight. I have very long lived family members who are bigger than me in weight and so the health risks never really bothered me either, so loosing weight before has been seen as something I was expected to do, not wanted to do.

    Now, I really really want to loose the weight. Even if it turns out I've damaged my reprodutive organs beyond repair or something silly like that, I can't have fertility treatment at the weight I am now. I would go in for adoption should all else fail but it isn't my first choice and I'm not just going to adopt because I'm lazy. Besides, despite my own personal attitudes to myself I wouldn't want this for my children, and I want to be in the position where they can pick up healthy habits from me, not bad ones :)
  • Thank you I_wanna_b_an_RN for your support. It truly is helpful when you have support and a cheering section. Before you know it, you will be running and have stopped smoking.

    Lithuria your story hits home to me in so many ways. I also have issues with my periods, ever since I started at the age of 16. Always irregular. At first I would get them every 4 months, then as my weight increased, every six months and when I hit my heaviest which is at 218lb, I don't get them without taking BCs. Its scary to think that because I weigh this much, I am increasing my chances of not becoming a mother one day. So I here you! I'm cheering for you! Before you know it, you will have hit your goal and your treatment will begin!!!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Thank you I_wanna_b_an_RN for your support. It truly is helpful when you have support and a cheering section. Before you know it, you will be running and have stopped smoking.

    Thank you! I actually have a story for you! My sister was 195 lbs 2 years ago. She wanted so desperately to be thin for her wedding, which was just over a year ago. She started slowly. She started trying alternatives to soda, like Crystal Light, 10 calorie Vitamin Water, etc. Then, she started walking everyday. She picked out a dress that was fit for somone around 130 lbs and a size 7. It was perfect in her eyes. She started dropping weight slowly but surely. Two weeks before her wedding, she tried on her dress. Still too small. She thought she'd have to alter the zipper into a corset string, but 3 days before her wedding, she put her dress on to size it for the altering. For kicks, she asked that it be zipped up. The seamstress zipped it up. The room was quiet, and my sister had tears in her eyes, and said, "it won't zip all the way, will it?" My mom stood in front of her and gave her a hug and said, it zipped up all the way and you don't have to alter it. She burst into tears of joy. By her wedding, she weighed 125 lbs, and was SOOO beautiful and happy! She got married just over a year ago, and is maintaining her weight, and went from wearing sweaters and baggy clothes to hide herself to wearing tank tops and size 3-5 pants. She actually gave her bigger pants to me, and that put things in perspective for me, as I used to tease her about her weight. Tables have turned, and I'm larger than she is. I hope this helps show you that you CAN do this. My sister did it, and I am so proud of her!!!
  • Your story gave me goosebumps!! That's what my mom told me to do. Just buy the dress and that will motivate me to getting down to the size I want to be. We can do this!!
  • wyld4eva
    wyld4eva Posts: 58 Member
    I was told about MFP by a friend in april. at that time I had lost about 14 lbs on my own just watching the things that I was putting into my mouth and really cutting down on prepackaged food aka SODIUM. Two years ago I was diagnosed with HBP the doctor always put my weight into it. I ignored it for a long time. I have also had alot of problems with kidney stones, which in reading alot about them weight also contributes to them.

    Also in April my husband and I decided to move to a different state. The move was three months away and stress really picked up. I am open to admit that I am a major stress eater. Well I put all 14 lbs back on probably within a month. Now I am trying to take control of my weight first and foremost MYSELF. I need to try and rid myself of the health problems my addiction has helped contribute to. A very close second is my FAMILY. I have a seven year old little girl and a four year old little boy. I also have a loving supportive husband. I want to be able to live life to the me that means not letting my weight induced health problems kill me sooner than I am supposed to go, also I dont want to tell my family I am too tired to do this or that.

    Right now I know my life will be shortened if I do not take control, and my kids pay because I am too tired to get off my you know what and play and run around with them. My husband also pays because I am so insecure about myself, I feel like he gets neglected sometimes.

    So really to sum it up on why I am here on MFP after all of that I AM HERE TO TAKE BACK CONTROL OF MY LIFE AND DECISIONS THAT I MAKE FOR MY BODY!
  • tlvillatorola
    tlvillatorola Posts: 17 Member
    I forgot to add also I have been hypothyroidism for about six years and it is a contributing factor in weight and controlling it. I am trying hard to defeat the problems.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I would definitely advise it. Just be realistic about what you can lose before your wedding. I believe in you!!!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    another reason why I am doing this journey. This journey allows me to lose weight, it allows me to be healthy, i.e, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and by being a healthy weight, it doesnt put any stress on my heart, liver, kidneys, and I dont have to worry about diabetes

    it also allows me to live longer, to be there for my sister, who I have noticed, has gotten closer to me. We lost our mom recently, and since shes single, she calls me alot. I also help her out with her finances, and am really supportive to her, esp since our idiotic 3 other brothers stopped talking to us, well, 2 of em. Its hurt her and I know the pain is there in her, so I guess I dont want my sister to have to deal with that all over was really hard.

    That I can be here is just another reason to continue on this journey. I have lots of good friends who I think want me around for a while as well. I dont want my sister to deal with losing some one that is close to her. I think she needs me too much,..........Lloyd

    wanna hear a beautiful song and think about your journey that you have taken

    click on this link below , its an awesome song........Lloyd
  • I'm at MFP coincidentally. I was browsing applications on my phone and found this app for weight loss. I tried it and thought it was pretty cool... then realized there was a website that went along with it. So I tried it and I like it so far...
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