Full time active job and adjusting calories on days off

First post on MFP so hello everybody :)

I've read quite a few posts on here about fitness goals and what to do when you have a full time active job but aren't as active two days a week and how to adjust calories and what you eat to compensate. Well, after a lot of searching for an answer I then just sort of figured out a good way to do it which seems to be working quite well so thought I would share it with you guys!

I am a waitress so, five days a week I consider myself to be active, and have activity level set as so. As on my days off I tend to not do much activity other than a bit of house work, I just "Quick Add Calories" what the difference is between what I can have on work days (1520) and what my allowance is if my activity level was set to "Sedentary" (1200) which is 320 calories and hey presto, calories successfully adjusted to suit my activity level on that day!

This makes it so much better for me as previously I had it permanently on sedentary (after being advised that this is always the best thing to do to get the best results) and was finding myself very dizzy and tired by the end of the day from not having enough food to suit how much running around I do at work!

Now I can properly stick to my calorie allowance and not feel so awful when I go over as I know this is what my body needs and still lose weight!

Hope this helped anyone that is in a similar situation and I would also love to hear what other people do if anything different!
