emotinal eating/binging issues

struggling with emotional eating/binge hiding food lately. bad news bears....It comes in waves( every few months or so), but lately been happening more often then not. Especially since the fall. If it wasn't for the gym/strength training I've been doing, I would have gained the 10 lbs/ numerous inches I lost since the fall. With all the gym time I spend and zumba/circuit training I do I would be much smaller than I am, if it wasn't for food issues.

low point :
my bf found a half eaten box of donuts under my car seat the other day. super embarrassing holy shiz.
Could use some people to talk to, who relate to this problem.
I will elaborate more with conversation. TIA. - Liz


  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    You're not alone in having "food issues" as you call it Liz. I've been trying to get a handle on my emotional eating for years and am still working hard to control it while sometimes it controls me.

    What's helping me a lot right now is MFP! I never knew there were so many other people who struggle with something that I thought only I struggled with. Through the advice of others, I'm trying to figure out the things that cause me to binge and then figuring a way to prevent my eating episodes.

    For me, if I had a bad day even if it was a stupid reason, instead stuffing my emotions down w food, I'll talk to someone using FaceTime so that I'll get the bad emotions out and I can't binge while talking to someone. I also like to journal my feelings.

    Figure out what triggers binging for you and try to solve that problem with something other than food. Don't worry about your bf finding hidden donuts. Let him support you. I confess to my bf everytime I binge and he is super supportive. Hope this helped and good luck.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I completely empathise with you. I've battled with emotional binge eating my whole life. I got it under control when I was exercising regularly, posting here regularly, doing a daily journal etc and then I took on a promotion for a year and the fear, doubt and insecurity has totally swamped me. I've gained 20 kg and am at my highest weight ever in my whole life. I hide food from my family and regularly clear out the stash of empty wrappers under my car seat, my kids blame me if any food goes missing at home. I feel ashamed of myself but haven't given up hope. It's embarrassing when I get asked if I'm pregnant or can see people 'look' at my stomach. I've been at this low points a number of times before and I know it's hard work getting rid of the excessive fat and feeling good about myself again but it can be done. I need to start now but I just know there's no point until I finish this job in a 2 months time.
  • gotogirl81
    gotogirl81 Posts: 278 Member
    yea.. I'm trying to stay away from gas station snacks/ the bakery sweets. those are my weaknesses.

    the only person I am really hurting is myself, so hiding food makes me feel even worse, or keeping a large bag of m&ms in my room for netflix is not good.. and self sabotage is my biggest issue.

    I need to start thinking about what really is important and my waist line shrinking.. and take it one day at a time.
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    I've struggled with binge eating in the evening for years ... I wish I knew the "answer" or the "cure". When hubby and I are watching TV around 8pm I get an irresistible urge to eat unhealthy foods. It's a compulsion, don't know how to stop it. Then next morning I wake-up filled with self-loathing.

    I frequently have eaten healthy all-day AND exercised AND had plenty of water.
  • JanelesJourney
    I completely understand! I'm a stay at home mom with 4 kids at home (2 in school, 1 in school half day and 1 at home all day) and I use to find my self binge eating (at night) once my family is sleep and I have quiet time to myself. Luckily I have recently started taking Plexus Slim and it has pretty much curbed my late night binging, even when my brain is telling me I want to eat my body is telling me I don't need it. It has been my savior with binge eating now if I can find away to make myself workout (when i have the time) I will feel so much better.
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    I received some good, common sense advice on this topic today. Basic point is not to have the trigger foods in your home. This is because at some point you WILL succumb to eating them, which is a bad decision. Instead -- change your decision point -- decide at the store NOT to buy the trigger foods. You are being strong, making the decision outside of your home. Don't put yourself in the vulnerable situation of having the trigger foods in your home.

    The idea is to change the focus of your decision -- to a position of strength.