losing weight after medication!

So I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 after suffering a postpartum psychotic breakdown. I am now on lamictal, latuda, and wellbutrin. All are supposed to be weight neutral. I was originally on depakote and risperidone but those made me gain 13 lbs in two weeks! I have since lost that weight but I am still 10 lbs over my prepregnancy weight.

Anyone else on medication or off trying to lose weight?


  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I have BP also and have been on a number of different meds but since my last episode I was switched to depaokte. I gained 14lbs pretty fast and if i'm not very careful I gain more. Before this gain I was only about 10;bs from my goal :(

    I'm hopeful that after a few months it will even out and I'll be able to lose the weight effectivley but now I'm scared it won't happen.
    I'm hoping that not everyone person on depakote is doomed to be fat happy.

    Were you able to lose while on the depakote or only after witching to other meds?