Looking for friends with similar goals as me, 60kgs to lose!

Hey looking for friends with similar goals as myself, im 5'6 weighing 123.5 kgs, wanting to get down to 63.5 kgs :D lost 1.5 kgs since the 2 weeks i started, just looking for online friends to encourage each other and follow this journey together :)

Edit: Just to be clear that's 272lbs = 123.5kg


  • Hey, I started off at 129.1kg and I am looking to get down to 95kg then re *kitten* the situation.
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Started back here a month-ish ago at 123kg now 115.5kg, I like little goals they feel achievable for me so next goal 105kg. End game thinking maybe 75kg? FR sent anyone else with similar goals feel free to add me :smile: