British & living in the US?

Well, I've scoured the website so far & found a few fellow british gals & blokes. I guess I'll start off by introducing myself!

I'm Lia, otherwise known as Captain.
I am from Manchester, UK, but currently living in Ohio here in the US of A.
I currently weigh in at a whopping 286lbs, 5'3, & 20 years old.
I make Natural Hair Care Videos, DIY, & weight loss videos on YouTube that you can check out here:

I have always wanted to lose weight. In fact, I didn't have a weight problem until 2012 when I put on 100lbs in that year alone. Reality didn't settle in until I started having health problems in 2013 & was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. I guess to sum it all up:

I'm fat & wanna change that.

I'm looking for motivation whether it be before & after photos, recipes, or just plain mental. Someone who can be there for me like I'll be there for them when they're down in the dumps or need that extra push to get that extra pound off.....or something? Lol. Anyways, join me like the others here on this site on a journey to a much slimmer, healthier, & happier me.

Feel free to add, ask any questions, or what ever the heck else you can think of. Thanks for reading! x