Day 1 Fit Test of Insanity OMG

Not exercised in any structured way for years except for hill walking and going out on the bike a couple of times a week 8 miles ish a time. Just completed the Fit (or not) Test of Insanity this morning and paid the price of my previous laziness.I am coupling this with Slimming World style healthy eating. I have made my own recovery shake this morning and intend to carry on doing so. Anyone else at this stage and equally as unfit and overweight or even a bit further in to the program, This is going to be tough, first "real" workout tomorrow.


  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 318 Member
    Right there with you!!!

    Fit Test today for me too!

    Kicked my booty!

  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Just keep doing it. You will get stronger. Believe it or not, lots of unfit and overweight people have jumped right into Insanity. They got stronger, leaner, healthier. You will, too. And perhaps 60 days from now you will look back at this post and you might laugh. Or you might cry at the "old you."

    Just keep pushing play :-)
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Great job...and yes, keep pushing play!

    FWIW, the Fit Test never really gets "easier", because you're always pushing to do more. You might be in better shape, but you'll be pushing harder to get in more reps for a better score, so it *seems* to be just as difficult.

    Embrace the challege; it's part of the change.
  • Monty_P
    Monty_P Posts: 62 Member
    I have my second fit test tomorrow. I'm determined to beat that cheating woman.

    I did quite well first time round but only because I'd already been working out... well done you though for jumping on in!
  • AnnaChanges
    AnnaChanges Posts: 109 Member
    Don't worry about it..just do your best...try to do the workouts that are too difficult for you in your own way...don't force or over push yourself too hard trust me everyone I am talking based on experience.

    I did insanity in August ankle got badly injured in week 3 of the program and it haven't healed since and so it let me to needing surgery now.. the doctor said that high knee raises and jumps for not so strong legs (like theirs) can badly injure you which caused major damage for my ankle and now i can't do any exercise since 6 months !!
  • LeanneHarrington3
    LeanneHarrington3 Posts: 100 Member
    Fair play to you!! I got 15 minutes in and had to stop. It killed me!!
  • Seanieboy27
    Seanieboy27 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow thanks for the great replies, sitting here now with the aching muscles form the Fit Test and feeling tired but got to go ahead and do the first real workout tomorrow. Got the wife to snap front, side and back pictures as motivation. Shocked as I never really look in the mirror properly. Makes me want to ignore the stiff muscles and go for it.
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    Well Done I did the Fit test last night and was shocked and ashamed. Downloaded the Insanity calendar and gonna go through each day and complete each workout as I have a marathon in just over 30 days so want to get stronger for that :)

    Good luck!
  • KarinaDavies85
    KarinaDavies85 Posts: 1 Member
    I've just started Insanity again after completing a cycle last summer and the fit tests still leave me crawling on the floor afterwards and hugging the toilet bowl.

    After doing them a few times the improvement I saw was amazing
  • I did it yesterday. Add me up!

    Just started a video blog on you tube about it as well :)
  • what do you guys put insanity down as in your exercise diary log? it doesnt seem to be an option when I type it in and am not sure how many calories roughly to mark down in my daily diary. any advice would be appreciated!
  • Monty_P
    Monty_P Posts: 62 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor and added Insanity to my own exercises.

    Prior to that I just used the calisthenics option, not sure how accurate it was though.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Great job! Insanity definitely earns its name. The fit test will get easier, the rest of the program will continue to challenge you. No matter how many times you do the program it remains as challenging as the first time.

    For logging, I created my own custom workouts for each DVD. I used a HRM to track my calories and use that as a baseline.
  • Seanieboy27
    Seanieboy27 Posts: 5 Member
  • Seanieboy27
    Seanieboy27 Posts: 5 Member
    i have just logged the exercise as circuit training, I am sure this underplays it a little but better that than overestimate the exercise. I have just completed (an hour ago) the Cardio and Plyometric session with plenty of rests along the way. I found I would start each set strongly but need to rest in the middle and I always tried to finish it set as strong as I could. I joined the club when I noticed during the Plyo section that drips of sweat were running from my nose to the exercise mat.
    Toughest for me was definitely the Level 1 exercises and i had no chance of matching the pace but just tried to keep my form and do them slower.
    I am mixing up a shake after each session (1 scoop choco slim fast powder, 1 fat free yogurt, a banana topped up with skimmed milk). Is this good enough or do I have to spring for Whey protein powder? Is it worthwhile?I have substituted the High 5's and whooping at the end of each DVD with wrapping my broken, sopping wet body around a table leg on the floor and whimpering like a baby. Seems to work for me?:wink:
  • thanks for the replies guys. I will start logging it as circuit training - that surely has to be better than putting nothing in the diary. struggling to get through the 60 day challenge. the worst thing i did was take 3 weeks off at xmas/new year - now attempting to get back in to it but have given hip hop abs a try as well the last 2 mornings. Gotta love Shaun T...Tanya not so much lol
  • racmac
    racmac Posts: 81
    Ouch ouch ouch

    Day 2 today and my legs hurt.
  • nice job! keep going, it will get easier. rest when you need to, and keep pushing. you will do great! I'm doing Insanity right now too. Friend me if you want :)
  • Seanieboy27
    Seanieboy27 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey all,
    just completed Cardio Power, went well as can be expected and had to rest often. Also had issues with a couple of the exercises so had to swap these for ones I could complete. Couldn't do Tricep Dips and couldn't do One Legged Tricep Dips (obviously) so had to be a bit creative with this. Was aching a bit before starting but got in to it along the way....sort of.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I thought I was going to die after the first week. I have always been an active person, but the 6 months prior to Insanity were not my proudest moments.


    You can do it. Don't get discouraged if you do not see the weight coming off within the first 4 weeks, it will come in the 2nd month. And if you dont see weight will see inches come off so I suggest you measure.

    Good luck!