Under calorie goal, ran 31 miles last week, gained 11

Alright, I haven't been eating super clean, but I've been under my calorie goal five of the last seven days. I eating enough not to go into hibernation. I have run 31 miles in that period of time. All of this and the scale shows I have gained 11 pounds.

What gives? I understand normal fluctuation, but this is ridiculous.


  • Wow, that's really high, sorry to hear that.
    When did you last weigh?
    How many days did you exercise?
    Was your diet balanced between the macronutrients (fat, protein, carbs, fiber)?
    Sedentary or active daily lifestyle? Does your calorie goal count for that variable?

    Like someone below said, that's probably not 11 lbs of fat if you last weighed within a week. Maybe a small amount is, but you have variables such as water retention, stomach/colon matter, etc... Plus water retention form sodium intake and dietary supplements (like creatine).
  • one word...IMPOSSIBLE

    water retention is the only possible explanation..or some metabolical problem which isn't probable

    just drink lots of water..watch your sodium intake..and weigh yourself tomorrow..hopefully the problem would be solved by then
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Change your batteries in your scales??????????

    11 lbs - That's a lot

    How many calories do you consume in a day?
  • Yeah, I will change the batteries.

    I had worked out four times, only running. I ran 31 miles, 3 on Tuesday, 5 on Wednesday, 5 on Thursday and 18 on Saturday.

    I would have at least liked an order of cheese fries if I were going to gain weight like that. Damn.