Protein powder only for body builders?

Can I put protein powder in a green smoothie for protein? I thought someone told me once, that protein bars (and such) can actually make you put on pounds UNLESS you are working out hardcore and lifting. I am burning about 400 calories a day on treadmill and Jillian Michaels--I don't think that's a lot so I'm not sure if buying powder to put in a smoothie would work?

I was doing greek yogurt AND PB in a smoothie when I first started MFP and WOW, no wonder I wasn't losing weight!!! Over 600 calories in a drink!!

Anyways, I need protein b/c I'm hypoglycemic and it keeps my sugars in check and I really like smoothies for bfast, especially green ones.



  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    You won't put on weight as long as you are under your calorie target
  • You won't put on weight as long as you are under your calorie target


    Ensure you account for the calories, fat, protein added from the powderon your MFP intake tracker.

    My usual protein powder pitch: Don't do it. Find natural sources.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Protein powder is great if you need to actively hit a certain amount of protein. The macro ratios are solid and I find it cost effective as well.

    Like the second poster said - just account for it in your calories.
  • Anens630
    Anens630 Posts: 54 Member
    What can I put in a green smoothie for protein?

    I made my first "real one" (that I actually liked) just now.

    cup: cucumber, frozen pineapple, kale. half a banana, TBSP of chia seeds and flax seed and cup of ice. I have a Ninja, so it's not really a juice I guess but smoothie.

    I added each veggie and seeds and it's totaling to 360 calories for breakfast. Isn't that a lot? And, no protein in this, right? This is where i went wrong with my fruit smoothies I started two months ago--I wasn't losing weight and finally counted all the items I was adding and eyes bulged out of my sockets and I put my Ninja away--but now i just watched Hungry for Change and really want to give green smoothies a go.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    I'm losing weight just fine, and I'm taking whey protein daily. I take it as insurance that I'm getting enough protein, because I'd prefer to KEEP my muscle.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    360 calories isn't high. Look up a TDEE calculator (google for one), use it and see how many calories you're burning each day. Then set a goal of about 1 gram of protein per 1 lb of body weight (or your goal weight, if eating that much protein is a challenge.)

    Protein powder is an excellent way to meet your protein goals when you're having trouble doing it with real food. Just remember to log it so it's accounted for.