New Ideas for Cardio?



  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I just discovered x-country skiing! Since winter does not seem to have an end in sight here I decided to give it a try.. Judgeing from your profile pic that may not be an option for you, but if you are in a snowy part of the country, it's easy and enjoyable, it hardly feels like exercise and you burn a ton of calories.
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    Another vote for swimming. Hardest cardio I do is in the pool and it's an outstanding core and shoulder workout.
    Any suggestions for making it challenging? Probably just go faster, I know.....

    Lots of different sets and swim workouts out there right now. Yes, faster makes it harder as does distance. I just started doing triathlon so I have and incentive to get faster. Maybe sign up for a triathlon or distance swim event. I find an upcoming race to be superior motivation to get the most of my workouts.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Use the treadmill but unplug it first. That's my current favorite.


    This like weird sled push simulation?

    Yes, handy when you live someplace where everything is covered in snow and ice for half the year.
  • rdtraci
    rdtraci Posts: 4 Member
    Have you tried at home workouts like Insanity or T25? I like working out by myself too and at home, and these have given me great results. It's an idea for you anyway :)
  • cartow
    cartow Posts: 54 Member
    I just discovered x-country skiing! Since winter does not seem to have an end in sight here I decided to give it a try.. Judgeing from your profile pic that may not be an option for you, but if you are in a snowy part of the country, it's easy and enjoyable, it hardly feels like exercise and you burn a ton of calories.
    Sorry--no snow here!
  • cartow
    cartow Posts: 54 Member

    Lots of different sets and swim workouts out there right now. Yes, faster makes it harder as does distance. I just started doing triathlon so I have and incentive to get faster. Maybe sign up for a triathlon or distance swim event. I find an upcoming race to be superior motivation to get the most of my workouts.

    Great idea!
  • cartow
    cartow Posts: 54 Member
    Have you tried at home workouts like Insanity or T25? I like working out by myself too and at home, and these have given me great results. It's an idea for you anyway :)
    I've glanced at them but not given them a serious look. Will check them out again--thanks!
  • cartow
    cartow Posts: 54 Member

    Love doing jumping rope intervals! Gets you heart rate up in no time and a good sweat. Since i started doing them I haven't been able to get myself back on the boring cardio machines. Love this form of cardio.

    Cool--I'll dust off the jump rope.
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    Have you tried at home workouts like Insanity or T25? I like working out by myself too and at home, and these have given me great results. It's an idea for you anyway :)

    Highly recommended from me also. Insanity's my go to when there's loads of snow outside and my joints need a break from running in it. I'm wanting to try the P90X here soon.
  • If you had snow, I was going to recommend snow shoeing. Get out there in the deep stuff. I've been enjoying it this winter. I've found that I'm working core muscles I use while cycling. hip flexors, quads, glutes, abs, calves.

    Added bonus of beautiful scenery.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I just discovered x-country skiing! Since winter does not seem to have an end in sight here I decided to give it a try.. Judgeing from your profile pic that may not be an option for you, but if you are in a snowy part of the country, it's easy and enjoyable, it hardly feels like exercise and you burn a ton of calories.
    Sorry--no snow here!

    Don't be sorry. I wish I could say the same it's snowing here once again and I'm seriously thinking of moving.
  • BigSnicka
    BigSnicka Posts: 151 Member
    I do a HIIT mix for my cardio that I don't mind sharing.

    1st set
    Treadmill for 5 minutes = 1:30 Brisk walk/jog 1:30 Sprint 1:00 Brisk walk/jog 1:00 Sprint
    Kettle Bell / Box Jumps = 25 Kettle Bell Squats 10 Box Jumps 25 Kettle Bell Swings 10 Box Jumps
    2nd set
    Treadmill for 5 minutes = 1:30 Brisk walk/jog 1:30 Sprint 1:00 Brisk walk/jog 1:00 Sprint
    Crunches w/ legs elevated = 25 Front 25 Left Leg 25 Right Leg
    6" Leg Lifts = 20-25 lifts
    Planks = 30-60 sec
    3rd set
    Treadmill for 5 minutes = 1:30 Brisk walk/jog 1:30 Sprint 1:00 Brisk walk/jog 1:00 Sprint
    Weighted Sit-ups = 50 @ 50 lbs 50 @ 75 lbs 50 @ 100 lbs (or a comfortable weight for you)

    I tend to do any variation of these and usually get in 3-4 sets which only has me on the treadmill about 15-20 minutes, but with no rest breaks in-between I normally look like I stepped in the shower with my clothes on and the results have been amazing.

    Could you explain what "box jumps" are? And what do you mean by the crunches--just to the center, and then to the left and right? I can never picture these things from the description---sorry!

    Box Jumps are accomplished by placing a stool or bench in front of you and jump up on it and jump back off. You're correct on the crunches though.
  • cartow
    cartow Posts: 54 Member
    Box Jumps are accomplished by placing a stool or bench in front of you and jump up on it and jump back off. You're correct on the crunches though.

    Thanks--I can do that at my gym--we have one of those boxes. I'm definitely going to try that workout. I'm so bored with my strength training!!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    rowing, arc trainer, spinning
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    stair master
    lift weights- faster
    do a weight lift/sprint session
    frog jumps
    burpee compbs
    circuit training
    super sets
    hill sprints

    cardio is overrated anyway- but I mean if you must do it-
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    rowing, arc trainer, spinning

    +1 on rowing, it's great x-training if you're a runner, delivers a full body workout and you can mix things up between steady state cardio and interval training.
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    I've been working out for years and years, but I'm now looking for new ways to get more cardio. I use the treadmill, stationary bike, and elliptical (of course), but what can I add that's different? Nothing with a class; I like to workout by myself, mostly. Thanks in advance!

    The Russian kettlebell!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    First, I would recommend something that you enjoy and would stick with. But, I prefer:

    - Soccer
    - Kickboxing
    - Swimming
    - Rowing
    - HIIT circuit training

    Good luck!
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