Quitting Drinking



  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    For me, quitting alcohol was easy, although I've drank over 30 years. The last Gout attack caused by drinking beer sent me to the ER with the most terrible shooting pain on my right knee that I have ever felt in my life. What I learned from this is, everything is okay in moderation. Self control is the key, and over indulgence in anything is the enemy. Set 1 or 2 days per week, where you can have a few drinks, enjoy each and every sip and be content with not needing more. Now, I only have a glass on the evenings of hump day and Saturday as a reward for my efforts. Speaking from personal experience.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Until you can build up some resolve you must stay away from places where drinking is going to be accepted. I haven't had a drink since Memorial Weekend of 2013. I just recently went to a friends that I knew would be drinking heavily. Even after a year (well almost) it wasn't difficult not to drink but the thought did cross my mind.

    I don't know if I'll ever drink again, it's just not a big deal for me anymore. I know I want to be in my health/weight goals before I start drinking again so we'll wait and see when I reach those goals.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Nothing wrong with moderation but if this is a problem for you then I would say establish some different habits and maybe get a hobby to keep you busy.

    Suggest outings with your friends that are more active and don't revolve around the pub scene.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    So not happening. I created a separate meal in my mfp and called it beer. That way I track my carbs and calories in liquid form:bigsmile:

    I jokingly refer to myself as a functional alcoholic. However - I have known a number of alcoholics over the years and the only thing that works is abstinence and support. Are you worried you are an alcoholic - or is it more about the calories? Try tracking your drinks my way - you'll see how much you are actually drinking. Also - when you are out with friends alternate between a drink and maybe a mineral water with lime or lemon.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    Thank you for the tips everyone! I agree about changing activities with friends would be a big help. I have also thought about joining AA, but my husband doesn't really support that idea. Are there any good sources online that have more info on a twelve step program?

    If your issue is alcohol, www.aa.org
    Once I did things without drinking, I noticed there some things that were better, like:
    - not stuck in line at the bathroom for the big play at a game
    - Never worried about driving
    - never hung over
    When you start adding events w/out alcohol, its easier to repeat again successfully. Everyone is different but I can totally be around it and have a great time. Bachelor parties, weddings, etc.

    I had to do it regardless of what my spouse thought (but that was my situation, nobody knows your situation). I do know the restaurant business and alcohol have a high rate of "issues" so be careful ....and GOOD LUCK
  • dsnapp3
    dsnapp3 Posts: 19 Member
    Like many who have responded here, I too drastically changed my drinking habits to kick start my weight loss and a bit of a life change. Over a number of years, I had gotten into a rut by enjoying a bit too much wine on a daily basis. A nice glass with dinner would invariably end up in an empty bottle before bed...mostly consumed by me. This not only affected my waistline, but also my sharpness the next morning and energy for work or play.

    I decided to do a dry October. It surprised me how easy that was for me to do. So I carried it forward through November as well. I also play in a band, so being in the bar scene on a regular basis was an interesting challenge for me.

    What worked for me:
    a. During the work week - drank water and I'd have a nice herbal tea or something in the evening when I would traditionally reach for a glass of wine.
    b. On the weekend, out and about, or in social settings I drank (and still do) sparkling mineral water with lime or lemon.

    That couple of months with no alcohol did a couple things for me
    1. Break the cycle I was in to regain my control - sleep better, eat better, exercise better
    2. Lost a heap of weight
    3. Saved money
    4. Establish better habits - I now do look forward to a nice wine on a friday or saturday - but that is it

    Good luck