Strength Training Routine

Hey guys, I'm looking for a full body strength training routine using mainly machines at my gym. I'm using my university's gym and the free weight area is filled with ripped frat bros-not my scene!

Wondering if anyone can suggest a circuit-type workout where I can focus on upper body one day, and lower the next and just go back and forth, tackling the whole body.



  • Phiallis
    Phiallis Posts: 21 Member
    You might benefit from machines as a total begnner to strength training, but you will pick up more bad habits than good ones to be honest.
    Put your reservations aside and jump in at the deep end: try either stronglifts or starting strength for proven weight training programs.
    You might find that the frat-bros are more accepting than you think if you go there with the right attitude.
  • MyIrishSpirit
    MyIrishSpirit Posts: 43 Member
    I really wanted to get into free weights but the trainer I met with wanted me to work on machines for awhile I guess. The routine he gave me is an alternating day thing (he said I could do it every day if I wanted), but you can probably switch them around. I do leg press 3 sets of 15, superset with chest press 3 sets of 15 - Then leg extension 3x15 superset with pulldown 3x15 - Then shoulder press 3x15 superset with tricep press down 3x15. (Superset = do one, then the other, then back to the first without taking breaks)

    Doing this keeps your heart rate up pretty well and I have gotten stronger in that I can now lift more weight. I was not happy when told to do this though, I want to do free weights and lift heavy. I'm mostly afraid I'll break myself if someone doesn't actually SHOW me how to stand and move.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Hey guys, I'm looking for a full body strength training routine using mainly machines at my gym. I'm using my university's gym and the free weight area is filled with ripped frat bros-not my scene!

    Wondering if anyone can suggest a circuit-type workout where I can focus on upper body one day, and lower the next and just go back and forth, tackling the whole body.


    I feel you on this 150%. I too use my university gym and the weight area is SCARY. Here's the thing - the weight machines don't work you out as efficiently. I used them for an entire semester because I was afraid of going into the free weight section and I really didn't see that much progress. Since they provide support for different areas of your body while you do the exercises, you're not engaging any of the muscles you use to stabilize yourself, which are really the most important for being strong in your everyday life. I still use them for some things though.

    Can you grab a set of 10lb and 15lb weights and move into another part of the gym with them? The frat bros won't need those ~trifling~ weights anyway. Use them to do things like lunges and shoulder presses. The program I'm doing now, I need a barbell for deadlifts/squats but after that if I take a set of 15s to the other part of the gym I can complete everything - using the machine for rows and lat pulldowns, the dumbbells for lunges and shoulder presses, my body weight for pushups and an exercise ball for crunches. Maybe you can figure something like that out? I personally just don't like being in a crowded room, and the weight room is always so crowded, so you might feel more comfortable grabbing what you need and bringing it back when you're done.

    I also used to separate "lower body" day from "upper body" day but have found it's more effective if you do legs/core/shoulders/triceps and legs/core/back/biceps since your legs are larger muscles and recover more quickly.