Keep pressing on.

I am trying to move to a more vegan, very low cholesterol diet.
Before I hear the normal responses like diet and exercise Please know that mine is naturally high, it runs in my family I have been dealing with this since I was 13. I started by cutting down the usual things. Right now I am down to no meat but chicken, fish and turkey and those are rotated for a few days a week. Most days are meatless. I also switched to almond milk, do not eat cheese, eggs or anything else that is high in cholesterol. I am very discouraged feeling like the changes I have made are not enough I am working on my weight and it is coming down slowly. I cannot take any meds right now I have been on them so long (still not controlled) that they were having bad side effects. I run/ lift at least 3 times every week. Most of the time it is 4-5 times a week. Most days these are 45 minute workouts, longer on saturdays and summer (when I am not working)
I notices when I took out meat I added a lot of carbs (pasta, rice and so on)

Moving more to a vegan what I believe I need to do to stay healthy. I am just not sure where to start. I am getting very bored with the few foods I do know and not sure what else to eat and do not have a lot of time every day to cook.

Any ideas for yummy, very easy to cook foods out there?