really need some help!!

Hi guys :)
I'm Marilia and I'm 5'5' and 141lbs.
I'm on my second round of Focus t25 Gamma Phase, using 3 pound dumbells. I really love this workout and pair it with 45min to an hour of zumba a day, working out 5 to 6 days a week, depending on my schedule.
Currently MFP indicates that I should be eating 1710 calories in order to lose the 10 more pounds I want to lose but I'm only eating about 1200-1400 calories a day. I'm very meticulous about logging my meals, logging every ounce of food, drink and condiment and making sure that my macros are around 40-50% carbs, 20-30% fats and 20-30% protein, still I don't seem to be able to lose the weight.
Don't get me wrong, during the first round of Gamma I lost inches of my waist, tighs and arms and my stomach is definitely flatter, but the weight doesn't seem to come off.

My question is, I am not losing because I'm eating under my calorie budget or is this enough?
Thanks guys, I really need some enlightening on this subject!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I would definitely try eating more and see what happens. We often make the mistake of thinking that less is more for weight loss but that's not necessarily true. Follow the T25 nutrition guide as it's geared specifically for the program and up your calories a bit. T25 is there to help increase your metabolism which means you'll need a few more calories so your body has something to burn all day long! If it doesn't work after a week or two then it may be something else! Don't be afraid to play around with the numbers sometimes, that's how I found out that my body just won't lose weight if I eat less than 1,400 per day!

    Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • mpoiares
    Thanks, so far all the feedback I have been getting tell me to eat more than I am eating. This week I have been eating around 1400 calories and I actually feel a lot better, I have more energy and I'm not always worried about cutting down calories.

    I already sent you a friend request :D Thanks so much for the help!