
Hello- My name is Nikki. I am a wife, mother of 3, and full time nursing supervisor. I will be 31 in just a few days and have come to the realization I NEED accountability. I was 217 pounds at my heaviest non-pregnant weight, and have managed to lose and keep off 33 pounds (current weight is 184). But i am stagnant, just treading water now. I was at one point going to the gym twice a week, but then my Papa became ill. I was put on the back burner during his time of need, and I'd gladly do it all over again.

I'm looking to gain a few motivational friends. I need the accountability factor to keep myself on track. I would be happy to return the favor! I have all the dietary guidelines I SHOULD be following; but sometimes it is quicker/easier to grab something fast. I have 19 pounds to reach my goal weight of 165. Once there I will re-evaluate to see if I'm content or would like to lose a few more.

My aim is to be healthy and active. I want to be that mom PLAYING with her kids, not sidelined watching them.


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    If you can't do it for yourself.. or for your kids... why do you think that internet strangers are going to be able to do that for you?

    You've been on here since Nov 2012, full access to a forum full of people that provide success stories, tips, and help.

    We can't do it for you.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I am more than happy to help, if possible. Am on here daily. Will send you a FR.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    Hello- My name is Nikki. I am a wife, mother of 3, and full time nursing supervisor. I will be 31 in just a few days and have come to the realization I NEED accountability. I was 217 pounds at my heaviest non-pregnant weight, and have managed to lose and keep off 33 pounds (current weight is 184). But i am stagnant, just treading water now. I was at one point going to the gym twice a week, but then my Papa became ill. I was put on the back burner during his time of need, and I'd gladly do it all over again.

    I'm looking to gain a few motivational friends. I need the accountability factor to keep myself on track. I would be happy to return the favor! I have all the dietary guidelines I SHOULD be following; but sometimes it is quicker/easier to grab something fast. I have 19 pounds to reach my goal weight of 165. Once there I will re-evaluate to see if I'm content or would like to lose a few more.

    My aim is to be healthy and active. I want to be that mom PLAYING with her kids, not sidelined watching them.

    I have a hectic schedule right now (full time work/full time school 8am-11pm mon-fri!!!) and I KNOW that I will end up grabbing something fast and easy, so I plan ahead of time and include fast/easy items in my meal plan. If you see that you keep failing in the same way over and over again, adjust how you meet that goal so it is more doable for you!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    I'm also more than happy to help. I'm here on a daily basis and have open food diary. I'll send you a FR.
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    I disagree with the above poster who said internet strangers can't help. Sometimes strangers are the best motivators. My husband lost a lot of weight last year. He credits it to an anonymous nurse that would call him every 2 weeks to ask about his progress (it was a work insurance program where you sign up for calls from a nurse to address your health concerns). He said that even though he didn't know this lady the fact that she would call and ask how he was doing with his exercising/eating was motivator enough for him to stay on track because he didn't want to have to tell her he wasn't sticking with it.

    Congrats on losing the weight that you already have! Sounds like you are motivated again to stick with the program. Best of luck!
  • allikat399
    allikat399 Posts: 36 Member
    Wow that first response is harsh and rude. Nikki, if you've made the committment you can do it! I'm always happy to cheer you on. If you need some friends to support you we are here, shoot me a FR. This is a hard path ahead of us but it helps when we have friends we can steal meal plans from, share recipes and be reminded that if they can make it to the gym - so can I! The mental aspect has to be in your own head, but we are happy to lead and be led by example.
  • Sarah_HA81
    I could use an accountability partner also. I will add you as well.
  • ItsTimeForMe_
    I joined, but never really utilized the site or the app. I have made lifestyle changes, and am more fit and active than I was 33 pounds ago. Why reply if you have NOTHING nice or of value to say? I am my own worse critic. Asking for accountability is quite a step for me, it shows my commitment but also puts out there I may need help along the way, and really what is wrong with that?
  • FitnessMeagan1105
    FitnessMeagan1105 Posts: 57 Member
    Sending a FR. Sometimes you need that extra boost.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Wow that first response is harsh and rude. isn't that I don't wish the OP well, but if she isn't willing to do what she knows she has to do... for her kids, why is it that folks in the internet are gonna be the force that tips the scale. Call it rude, call it harsh, but she has realized that she needs to change. We aren't gonna be there when she decides to cheat on her diet... or if she wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to raid the fridge.

    There's nothing wrong with having friends on here... or giving/getting advice. Using an internet forum as the motivation over being healthy for her kids is off.

    My point: We cannot, as internet friends, force the OP to change her behavior in real life. She has to do that herself.

    OP, if you want to be the mom that is out playing with her kids... then go do that. Don't sit on the sidelines.
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    Trogalicious, she said she needs accountability, not motivation. So yes, your response was rude and harsh, not to mention inappropriate, since coming to the forums for accountability is EXACTLY WHAT THE FORUMS ARE FOR.

    Maybe switch to decaf?
  • nikkijames123
    nikkijames123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Nikki. My name is Nikki too. Short for NIcole. I am a mother of 2 boys and I am very interested in helping you be accountable. You sound self motivated but focused and I appreciate honesty and integrity. I am seeking the same.

    I am very interested in health , nutrition ad excercise. I eat too much of the wrong thnigs at times, my body does not convert carbs the way I wish it would. Diabetes runs in the family so sugar needs to be regulated in my diet and chocolate has been my best friend for it's fat caffeine and carb value for way to long!!

    I am on track at this time. I stay within my caloric intake and I am focused and driven. I fell off during the holidays. I lost thirty pounds prior however I gained it back since Dec. 15th I weigh 250 pounds. I am 5'9" and I am considerd shapely.
    I have not worn a pair of jeans in three years!! It makes me sick. 200 is my goal. I am a super model at 200. :laugh:

    My partner is not motivting and kind of a brick. He will support me but is too tired to work out with me. My mother has been known to sabotage but will graciously weigh me every week just to be nosey. My oldest is starting to get chunky. Miles is 11.
    He is in baesball and karate my little one is a rail.

    I own a cleaning service and I am active however my body is used to it and I need to do MORE yikes!! I need to do strength and carsio. I hate cardio. I love strength. I need accountability on my cardio. I hate to sweat!!

    I noticed you said that you just need to grab things. I truly believe that failure to prepare is preparing to fail. You need to have things that are low cal, carb and lean to grab if you are a grabber. That means you need to be ON that shopping list and you need to PURGE EVERYTHING your cabinets of ANYTHING that will sabotage your results.

    Have a just a few things for the kids laying around? Give them to your significant other and let him dole them out. Just prepare GRAB BAGS for you.

    Don't prepare things you's a waste of time, uninspiring and I find they lay there and rot....
    My favorite sancks are...

    Cherry tomatoes
    Raw mushrooms
    Green Beans
    Celery with very little peantu butter
    Lowfat Mazzarella Sticks

    Prepared foofds thats say lowfat and sugarless are hidden with chemicals that make you stay fat...avoid them
    I do whole foods...
    Ae we ready to DROP SOME WEIGHT!!!
    Let's do this!!

    Nikki James
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Trogalicious, she said she needs accountability, not motivation. So yes, your response was rude and harsh, not to mention inappropriate, since coming to the forums for accountability is EXACTLY WHAT THE FORUMS ARE FOR.

    Maybe switch to decaf?
    ...and what if she stops coming to the forums? or stops logging in...? or stops counting?

    with almost 750 days logged on here, I've had friends that have done that. They've just quit. You can reach out to them all day if you want, but until they DECIDE to change and to stick to it, a group of well-wishing people online can't keep them honest.

    Also, the forums have plenty of other uses outside of accountability.
  • nikkijames123
    nikkijames123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello- My name is Nikki. I am a wife, mother of 3, and full time nursing supervisor. I will be 31 in just a few days and have come to the realization I NEED accountability. I was 217 pounds at my heaviest non-pregnant weight, and have managed to lose and keep off 33 pounds (current weight is 184). But i am stagnant, just treading water now. I was at one point going to the gym twice a week, but then my Papa became ill. I was put on the back burner during his time of need, and I'd gladly do it all over again.

    I'm looking to gain a few motivational friends. I need the accountability factor to keep myself on track. I would be happy to return the favor! I have all the dietary guidelines I SHOULD be following; but sometimes it is quicker/easier to grab something fast. I have 19 pounds to reach my goal weight of 165. Once there I will re-evaluate to see if I'm content or would like to lose a few more.

    My aim is to be healthy and active. I want to be that mom PLAYING with her kids, not sidelined watching them.
  • nikkijames123
    nikkijames123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello- My name is Nikki. I am a wife, mother of 3, and full time nursing supervisor. I will be 31 in just a few days and have come to the realization I NEED accountability. I was 217 pounds at my heaviest non-pregnant weight, and have managed to lose and keep off 33 pounds (current weight is 184). But i am stagnant, just treading water now. I was at one point going to the gym twice a week, but then my Papa became ill. I was put on the back burner during his time of need, and I'd gladly do it all over again.

    I'm looking to gain a few motivational friends. I need the accountability factor to keep myself on track. I would be happy to return the favor! I have all the dietary guidelines I SHOULD be following; but sometimes it is quicker/easier to grab something fast. I have 19 pounds to reach my goal weight of 165. Once there I will re-evaluate to see if I'm content or would like to lose a few more.

    My aim is to be healthy and active. I want to be that mom PLAYING with her kids, not sidelined watching them.58941852_3076_thumb nikkijames123 Selector
    Joined Feb 2014
    Posts: 4
    February 17, 2014 1:02 pm
    Hi Nikki. My name is Nikki too. Short for NIcole. I am a mother of 2 boys and I am very interested in helping you be accountable. You sound self motivated but focused and I appreciate honesty and integrity. I am seeking the same.

    I am very interested in health , nutrition ad excercise. I eat too much of the wrong thnigs at times, my body does not convert carbs the way I wish it would. Diabetes runs in the family so sugar needs to be regulated in my diet and chocolate has been my best friend for it's fat caffeine and carb value for way to long!!

    I am on track at this time. I stay within my caloric intake and I am focused and driven. I fell off during the holidays. I lost thirty pounds prior however I gained it back since Dec. 15th I weigh 250 pounds. I am 5'9" and I am considerd shapely.
    I have not worn a pair of jeans in three years!! It makes me sick. 200 is my goal. I am a super model at 200. laugh

    My partner is not motivting and kind of a brick. He will support me but is too tired to work out with me. My mother has been known to sabotage but will graciously weigh me every week just to be nosey. My oldest is starting to get chunky. Miles is 11.
    He is in baesball and karate my little one is a rail.

    I own a cleaning service and I am active however my body is used to it and I need to do MORE yikes!! I need to do strength and carsio. I hate cardio. I love strength. I need accountability on my cardio. I hate to sweat!!

    I noticed you said that you just need to grab things. I truly believe that failure to prepare is preparing to fail. You need to have things that are low cal, carb and lean to grab if you are a grabber. That means you need to be ON that shopping list and you need to PURGE EVERYTHING your cabinets of ANYTHING that will sabotage your results.

    Have a just a few things for the kids laying around? Give them to your significant other and let him dole them out. Just prepare GRAB BAGS for you.

    Don't prepare things you's a waste of time, uninspiring and I find they lay there and rot....
    My favorite sancks are...

    Cherry tomatoes
    Raw mushrooms
    Green Beans
    Celery with very little peantu butter
    Lowfat Mazzarella Sticks

    Prepared foofds thats say lowfat and sugarless are hidden with chemicals that make you stay fat...avoid them
    I do whole foods...
    Ae we ready to DROP SOME WEIGHT!!!
    Let's do this!!

    Nikki James
  • nikkijames123
    nikkijames123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello- My name is Nikki. I am a wife, mother of 3, and full time nursing supervisor. I will be 31 in just a few days and have come to the realization I NEED accountability. I was 217 pounds at my heaviest non-pregnant weight, and have managed to lose and keep off 33 pounds (current weight is 184). But i am stagnant, just treading water now. I was at one point going to the gym twice a week, but then my Papa became ill. I was put on the back burner during his time of need, and I'd gladly do it all over again.

    I'm looking to gain a few motivational friends. I need the accountability factor to keep myself on track. I would be happy to return the favor! I have all the dietary guidelines I SHOULD be following; but sometimes it is quicker/easier to grab something fast. I have 19 pounds to reach my goal weight of 165. Once there I will re-evaluate to see if I'm content or would like to lose a few more.

    My aim is to be healthy and active. I want to be that mom PLAYING with her kids, not sidelined watching them.
  • vininger
    Nikki, I'm in a similar place (wife, mother of 3, and needing a supportive community to help me STICK with this). I am trying to focus more on just being healthy (as opposed to the weight loss), but dropping a few pounds will definitely be a great bonus! :) I'd love to have more friends to help cheer me on, too. I'll send you a FR!

    There are a lot of reasons why people leave and come back. I've been on since 2011, and there have been periods of time where I logged every single day for months straight, then disappeared for months. Especially as moms of young kids, it's easy to let other things take priority over our own health (and especially being able to log on to the computer every single day). Nobody is saying that's ideal, but it happens. I recently came back to MFP after about a year away. I had a lot of personal/family stuff come up, and I tried doing a few other eating/health plans that didn't involve the time-consuming, meticulous logging that MFP requires that I didn't have time for. I discovered none of them were as effective as MFP was, so I've come back.

    People come to the message boards for support, not to hear someone say (in essence), "Well, if you're not enough now, you never will be!" Some people are internally motivated and surrounded by people IRL who support their goals. Other people find external motivation helpful, and an online community who shares similar goals can help provide that motivation. We definitely don't want to feel like someone's looking at how long we've been here and judging us for how successful we have (or haven't) been to this point. NOT helpful at all. Whether we are trying to develop a healthier lifestyle for the first time or for the tenth time, we still deserve support and respect, not a rude dismissal!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I'm going to agree with Trog on this.

    Friends on here for support and advice are awesome. They can help. But can they really hold her accountable? No. The only one that can do that is herself. She has to CHOOSE and DECIDE that she wants to change and stick with it. As he pointed out, what happens if she cheats on her diet or raids the fridge in the middle of the night? No one but herself can stop her.

    Maybe she doesn't actually mean accountability and meant needs more support.

    OP - I wish you the best, you've taken the first step and wanting to change. You just have to decide to really do it for you. Believe in yourself that you can do it. Decide to set a better example for your kids. Get them involved in working out with you. Make it like a fun family activity (dancing, hiking, etc.). Also remembering it's about moderation not deprivation.

    ETA: Trog isn't being mean, harsh, dismissive, he's being honest. I've always been one that honesty is the best policy. Sometimes honesty may sting a little, but most times, it's what the person may need to hear. We aren't here to coddle anyone. We are here to help, whether you believe he's helping or not, he is. Sometimes people need the hard truth.
  • stat1124
    stat1124 Posts: 163 Member
    I sent the original poster a request and any others that would to join up with me and take this journey together. Please feel free to add me. I have a different perspective than some of the ones expressed in here. Im here to help out however I can for who ever I can. Be Blessed and look forward to hearing from some of you!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I was going to post this anyway - but it will also be relate to trog's post (Hi, trog)

    I knew what to do. I had family supporting me. I had friends supporting me. I had a husband that supported me. I had all the support in the world. Nothing changed. For years.

    It only changed when I took responsibility for my health. When I decided to do this - nothing and no one could stop me. Having friends on MFP is awesome - but they are not there in my house telling me not to eat more cookies. They are not there to tell me to get out and run or hit the gym to lift weights.

    What works is when YOU decide to put in the hard work to lose weight. What works is building habits around health . Once you do this, you will realize that accountability comes from within - it's the only way you will be compliant all the time. When you want it bad enough - you will do it. Good luck.