Starting classes at the Y tomorrow!

I met with the director of the local YMCA, who recommended strength training/body pump twice a week (for an hour each time) and indoor cycling twice a week (an hour each). Is this enough? I'm hesitant to do THAT much weight training to start because I've done a grand total of nothing in that area--this will be my first-ever experience.

Ideally, I'd like to lose about 5-10 lbs. I have a two-month membership (which was all I could afford) period in which to do so. Can I cut down the weights to once a week? Or should I do it twice a week?


  • swede1975
    I go to my local Y and do the Y Pump and its a super class.. you won't bulk up you will burn fat its a great class and tough you choose the weight you want to use. Good Luck!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Body Pump will strength train your whole body. 2xs a week is great, with a day of rest in between. If you can do 3 days, even better (as long as you rest 1 day in between) or use the 3rd day to strength train with other free weights. Once a week is not enough, IMHO.
  • StatutoryGrape
    Yeah, I think 1x is a bit iffy, too. I'm just trying to weasel my way out 'cos I'm nervous! ;P I'm planning on Wednesday nights and Fridays at noon. Would squeeze another day in but my Mondays are packed with school and work...
  • StatutoryGrape
    One other question--I am thinking of using my 2-month membership as the starting point for exercise, but once the membership's up, will I be okay (as in, continue to lose weight) if I start using a program like the Shred? I am terrified of The Shred right now, but really want to try it. I think the motivation from the classes will kind of set a behavioral pattern for me so I'll be more willing to stick to stuff on my own...