Food Hider/Hoarder

There was an earlier post where this was brought up and I was surprised how many others out there do this or used to do this also.

I'd love to be friends with others who do this too or are doing better with it than before.

I used to go every Sunday and stock up on candy (peanut butter cups, Kit Kats, whatever sugar looked good) and tons of chips..Doritos and potato chips. Also Double Stuff Oreos and Cheez Its. I'd hide my stash in my desk drawers and since I work from home I'd wait til my husband and stepdaughter left and go to down. Its something I was so ashamed of.

Just throwing it out there for others to share. I've been really good now the last month. I think since I've pretty much rid myself of the sugar craving its been easier when shopping to not automaticall grab for the junk foods. Also, what has helped is I've asked my husband to go with me grocery shopping. Its helped immensely in keeping me in check and not caving into cravings if he's there with me.