Online Yoga

I recently obtained a Yoga mat and decided it would be a good addition to my workout routine. I looked into local yoga classes, but they are all too expensive for me (10$ a class is too expensive at this point in my life).

I have started by browsing Youtube videos for beginner yoga lessons, but have found it to be hit or miss for enjoyability and practicality.

Does anyone know of a good website (not youtube) where I can access Yoga videos for free?

Also, I do now know what style of Yoga is best for a beginner, and I see so many different types of yoga on Youtube (flow, hatha, relaxation etc.) So any advice on how to limit my youtube search would also be appreciated.


  • shantizzlerose
    shantizzlerose Posts: 63 Member
    I'd suggest trying out Erin Motz's 30 Day Yoga Challenge on Youtube. Some of her days are a little more geared toward intermediate/advanced Yogis but she always gives modifications to her moves. It's easy to follow, each session is 10-20 minutes, and being that it's a 30 day challenge definitely adds a little motivation. Most yoga isn't too hard as long as you aren't trying to push it past your physical limits. If you can't hold a pose for too long, take a break. If it's hurting your muscles, don't bend so deeply. Knowing your boundaries is key. You'll get there eventually. Good luck!
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    So I know you said besides Youtube...however...I have the Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown DVD at home, and I just did it for the first time the other day....LOVED IT. I have never done yoga before so I wasn't sure if I would really get a workout since I didn't know what I was doing...but I literally had sweat dripping down my face. Anyway...level 1 is on Youtube, the whole entire workout...its like 35 minutes long. I highly recommend it :)
  • xxrynnexx
    I think I have a 10 minute yoga DVD from mckays that I will give you. It was not hard moves but definitely had me working and sweating! It had different target ody parts all broke into 10 minute workouts. If I can find it I will pass it on to you.
  • trail_rnr
    trail_rnr Posts: 337 Member
    If you have a tablet, consider the Yoga Studio app. It's $2.99, I think. Worth every penny. It has a bunch of great beginner classes, short and long.
  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    These are all fantastic suggestions!

    I do not have an tablet, but I have seen so many fitness programs available in the apple store that andriod just does not have... so I have thought about finally breaking down and getting an ipad.

    Rynne want to meet for lunch this week or over the weekend and we can hang out and I can borrow that DVD? (Maybe if the rain clears up we can get a walk in at a park :) )
  • cactuswax
    cactuswax Posts: 77 Member
    I love Esther Ekhart's videos - she has her own channel you can browse, and they range from beginner up to advanced. I'll often start my workouts with her sun salutation vid (10ish mins). I believe she has longer ones for a full session as well.

    Yoga is SO healing !! It isn't necessary to be in a class to do it, so explore the world of online :) (do try it out at a studio every once in a while tho so teachers can correct postures)
  • ekztawas
    ekztawas Posts: 114 Member
    I've started incorporating yoga as a nice rest/relaxation day. I found Ali Kamenova on youtube. Her instructions are so in depth you rarely have to crank your head up at the screen to see what's happening. She has more relaxing videos and also high intensity yoga that incorporates a lot of planks and fast progressions. The videos range from beginner to advanced and are specified in the video's title.

  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member

  • ztaitaifufu
    ztaitaifufu Posts: 77 Member
    oh this thread is great ! i've been seriously lax about making it to the studio i usually go to... blaming it on the tundra outside these days X{ as much as i love tara stiles; variety is always appreciated
  • ncgovernor
    ncgovernor Posts: 6 Member
    This is my recommendation: is a site for a residential yoga retreat center in the Bershires (US). I visit once a year and LOVE it. Gentle yoga is really gentle, and the moderate is a workout! These are the only free videos they offer, but they're god to have in the rotation.
  • sssself_samantha
    I found an app that's called "Yoga Studio". This app has so many yoga poses and you can create a personalized workout. There are also already made workout videos depending on what you are looking for. For example, there are flexibility videos, balance videos, toning videos, cardio yoga videos, etc. The app only costs about 4 dollars and it is well worth the money. :) I hope you enjoy this practice!
  • chankanaab07
    chankanaab07 Posts: 48 Member
    I saw this thread at exactly the right time, as I've been tossing around the idea of adding yoga to my routine and have been meaning to look around online for free videos.

    Thanks so much for suggesting all these resources! Excited to get started after my current video sessions are up.