Heading to Germany!! (and Italy and Austria, maybe France)

tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
So, I have committed to a long awaited vacation to Europe. I am visiting a friend in the Stuttgart area (Kirchheim) for about two weeks in July. With a side trip to Austria, Zell am See area (Mittersill, Hintersee) for some hiking and hopefully camping!

I could probably talk him into taking a couple hour day trip somewhere...though I get an earful about gas prices when I bring it up. Ha!

Also, depending on weather and time, we might take a two night trip via train to Paris! I won't be there for long if we go.

I am looking for travel tips, what to bring for clothing, where and what to eat, what castles to see, what ones to actually tour, and what ones to skip. I like to explore ruins, see amazing views and vistas, and visit historical places. (aka I will not be shopping much).

I am a little concerned about getting enough exercise. I know I'll be walking around a lot, but I also know that the Swabian food is high in fat and carbs!! Do people run in the streets/sidewalks?

I am going to be in the greater Milan area for about five days. I will also be staying with a friend. She has some difficulty getting around, so I might be on my own some days. She lives up in the Lakes region (?)... I know nothing of the area!

This trip is my "goal weight acquired" present. 10 lbs to go!!


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Northern Italy is very beautiful especially around Lago Maggiore. There are islands with gorgeous villas and gardens. Your friend can direct you.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Sounds wonderful! I haven't been to those places (only the big cities) but they sound great. Also, is your friend near Milan up near Como (borders with Switzerland?) because its BEAUTIFUL up there!
  • Fuzzith
    Fuzzith Posts: 6 Member
    For the Germany part of your trip, here's a few tips:

    You don't need to order the typical Swabian food in the restaurant, or if you do, just eat a portion of it. Ask for the gravy on the side. Some menus have lower portions available. A lot of places will offer a nice salad with grilled chicken strips. Actually, you'll see more Italian and Greek restaurants than Swabian restaurants.

    Runners use paved bike trails, when available. It would be dangerous to run in the street as most roads are narrow.

    Neuschwanstein castle it really ice, but touristy and long lines. I've heard it's best to get tickets a few days before you go. There's so many different types of castles that you can find something interesting about each of them. A lot don't look like the fairy-tale castle of Neuschwanstein but are worth seeing. The castles that are in ruins are awesome to see. Some are open for tours, others are not. Internet will help you with that. Churches and monasteries are also interesting to see.

    For clothes, pack a variety of things since it can get hot but also cold in July, depending on the wind, and what elevation you're at. And take good walking shoes, preferably not all-white shoes so you don't stand out as an American tourist. lol
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    If you anticipate heading up to the Nordrhein-Westfalen region (North Rhine-Westphalia for the English speakers), PM me! I lived in Königswinter / Heisterbacherrott (tiny town between Bonn and Köln/Cologne) for a year as an exchange student on a gov't scholarship when I was 17 and spent more time skipping school to travel than I actually spent in school. I can suggest all sorts of fun things to do/see in that region of the country, as well as the neighboring countries of the Netherlands & Belguim. I spent a lot of time in Maastricht (Netherlands) and Gent (Belgium) while I lived in DE.

    Near Stuttgart, if you have the time/opportunity, visit: Heidelberg, Baden-Baden, and Strasbourg in France. All great places. Have a wonderful trip!!