What food is most likely to derail your diet?

Hello fellow fitness pals,

I just wrote a blog about my most binge-tempting food, which is cereal. It's kind of a strange food to binge on. What food is most likely to temporarily derail your weight-loss efforts? Are you able to resist pigging out when it is available, or do you prefer to not keep it in the house?

I'd be happy if I could stick to no more than one bowl of cereal a day, but it is oh, so tempting to eat more!


  • PDarrall
    PDarrall Posts: 114 Member
    Not a food, a drink - Coca-Cola. I avoid keeping it in the home.
  • veganpancake

    I'd be happy if I could stick to no more than one bowl of cereal a day, but it is oh, so tempting to eat more!

    THIS. Sugar cereals in particular. My personal favorites are Churro cereal, Reeses Puffs, and Oh's!. I could seriously just eat the whole box and keep going.
  • Eve_e
    Eve_e Posts: 57
    Flaming Hot Cheetos. I could EASILY mindlessly consume an entire, large bag in one sitting.
  • ladyzakis
    ladyzakis Posts: 14 Member
    Crisps. Any crisps. All the crisps.

    I can easily put away a family sized bag- 900 calories- and then eat my dinner
  • daner0326
    Pringles. My daughter loves them and I have no willpower!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Chocolate candy. Fun-size bars especially, or assortments of truffles, toffee, and/or other chocolates. I cannot pace myself and eat that stuff over a reasonable period of time. It is like one's too many and nine is not enough. So I just don't buy or keep that stuff in the house, or I share it with someone to stay accountable. This is my big challenge at holidays too...especially Halloween and Christmas.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Baked good...cupcakes, cookies, donuts. Candy...Reeses peanut butter cups and Snickers. Doritos. Cheez Its. Fresh mozzerella. Salami and summer sausage.
  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    chicken masala
    cheeze pizza
    melted chocolate recipes
    biryani :heart:
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Potato chips and cookies. Any kind of cookies, I love them all except those with coconut or coffee. LOL I can't keep either in the house.
  • Khatastrophic
    Khatastrophic Posts: 81 Member
    Cookie dough Oreos & Girl Scout Cookies
  • poorbikrchick
    poorbikrchick Posts: 18 Member
    The office chocolate bowls. Plural.
  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member

    I'd be happy if I could stick to no more than one bowl of cereal a day, but it is oh, so tempting to eat more!

    THIS. Sugar cereals in particular. My personal favorites are Churro cereal, Reeses Puffs, and Oh's!. I could seriously just eat the whole box and keep going.

    There's a churro cereal?!? I also can't have sugary cereals in the house for the same reason.
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    Oreos or chocolate for the most part
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    chips and salsa
    fresh baked goods - OMG my mouth just waters smelling freshly baked breads!:blushing:
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    Goldfish - the extreme cheddar kind. I literally cannot just eat a serving of those freaking things, once I open the bag it is GONE. :brokenheart:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Cake...especially chocolate cake.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Sesame oil
    Hummus (I like to eat large amounts of it)
    Granola Cereal
    Naan bread
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    I live in France and the choice of wonderful fresh-baked pastries makes it hard to resist.
    The mille-feuille being the worst culprit for me (a sort of cream or custard double-layered flaky pastry topped with a fondant icing layer). Damn they're good.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Cheese. I have a package of cheese cubes in the fridge calling for me. It can be gone in 2-3 days.
  • pepper176
    pepper176 Posts: 16 Member
    Pizza. And chips. Particularly cheesy flavored chips. Even if I don't love them I will eat an entire bag of chips, so I can't have them in the house.