Hello, my name is Ed and I am a sugarholic

Strawberry Cheesecake (Sara Lee) and Oreos mashed in chocolate ice cream had been dear friends of mine until I turned 30. Then they turned on me! I guess I can’t really say that, since they were conspiring against me from day 1. I love the gym, so my workouts kept them in check (6 days/wk, 2 hrs per before wife and kids). I got chunky (fat) over the years but also built some descent muscle mass, so I convinced myself that all was well because that is what addicts do!

I learned I was just short of high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, and high some other thing I can’t remember after a check-up a couple of years ago. Also, my size 40 pants were getting too tight, and that is when I realized I was at war. I started to fight back at 225 and got down to the 205-210 range (working out more and cutting some snacks) before discovering the MFP app. MFP helped my break thru my plateau, and I am now close to my goal weight (still want to add muscle back and reduce fat).

But the fight isn’t over. I will always be a sugarholic and every day is a fight. I found that when I stopped logging, it was easier to slip back into old bad habits, so I am MFP for life. I figured I should join up with some more folks fighting a similar fight to make this more interesting. A couple of days ago was my first visit to the community. I wish I would have come here a long time ago.

My diary is open to everyone. Feel free to poke around and give me some tips, criticism, food recommendations or whatever. I like to probe thru the diaries of others to see what they are eating that I may enjoy.

I look forward to gaining more support in my fight against Oreos and helping you fight your nemesis, whatever it may be. Good luck!


  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Weird. I thought this post was about me!

    My name is Ed and sugar is my weakness too.

    Congrats on all your progress!
  • edvsoreos
    edvsoreos Posts: 21 Member
    Bump 4 the getting home from work crowd. Happy Monday!
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    Hi Ed!.....I'm an oreo lover too!! Although I love sugar/chocolate, pretty much anything sweet but oreos are definitely on the top of my list! I'm a 48 year old mom and have learned I can't keep eating like I used to.
    I've found that if I start the day off with sugary foods then its really hard to stay on track. It's almost impossible for me to stop at 1 bowl of cereal. I checked out your diary...would suggest starting the day off with protein--maybe eggs or nuts? I try and eat more protein/veges/fruit. Also I drink lots of unsweetened green tea. Its really helps fight off the sugar cravings.
    I still fight the cravings at night and weekends but it's so much better than before. I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies on Sunday.....ate way too many. I ended up freezing the cookies, so there's no temptation during the week. Weekends are really hard but I pretty much eat well during the week and because of this, I've lost 11 pounds in the last 5 weeks.
    Good luck!!
  • Travko
    Travko Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome Ed! I've never been one to say no to a cookie, so I can definitely relate. Feel free to add me if you like, and I'll try to offer some motivating along the way. That goes for everyone else as well.
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    Hi Ed. :)

    Thank you for your very inspirational story.
  • mdwolff
    mdwolff Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ed,
    I too am a sugarholic so I feel your pain!!! I too never had a weight problem until my 40's and slowly every year a few lbs. gained. Sugar is my big downfall. Have you ever read "The Belly Fat Cure"? It helped me immensely. l'm a female so we have a whole different set of issues(hormones!)if you can get through the first week or 2 it really helped my sugar cravings.good luck :)
  • Soritaia
    Soritaia Posts: 63 Member
    hi im emma ad im a sugarholic
    well to be honest sugar isnt my only problem, i also have a problem with fried foods, starchy foods like bread and pretzels and sugary drinks... wait a second i think that covers just about every bad food craving there is :(
    Im working on ith though

    Grate job on your ongoing change!!!