Fit and curvy advice

Have tried many diets over the last 2 years but nothing sticks. I've always been curvy and I know I'll never be a stick. How can I lose weight, maintain my curves, and tone? Just starting with a lot of ambition. Would it be beneficial to join a gym or is there a way I can do all this at home? Any eating tips pre workouts and after?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    weights. heavy weights. eat at calorie deficit, not a huge one either

    check out programs like strong curves by brett contreras, starting strength by mark rippetoe, strong lifts or new rules of lifting for women.

    as for maintaining your curves.. you can't lose what you have. if your "curves" are just a function of being overweight then you'll obviously lose it once you lose weight, but if your curves are from your genes and body type then no matter what your size you'll have it
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Weight training and small caloric deficit.
    If you're curvy, you'll keep your curves.
  • taylermarie13