My Cat, My Thyroid, and I

Hello! My name is Gabrielle and I am an engaged 20 year old college student with Hashimoto's disease who also owns a cat named Alibi. (yes, I know it was a run on sentence, I meant it to be that way :wink: )

Here' s a little about me and my weight. At my highest weight I was about 230 pounds and looking awful. I felt disgusting, self conscious, and like I wasn't deserving of my boyfriend(now fiance)'s love. It was my senior year, I was seventeen, and all I wanted was to be skinny and fit in like everyone else. January 1st, 2011, I got my first iPhone, and six days later I found the app Lose It! It felt like the answer to all of my problems. I stuck to the plan for six months and dropped to about 170 pounds. I stopped shortly after graduation due to stomach issues but I managed to maintain through the summer and my first year of college despite being diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in March of 2012.

The summer after my freshman year my boyfriend(now fiance) went to OSUT for the military and I got a job at a dog groomers, washing dogs and working as an administrative assistant. I only ate a meal or so a day(not always healthy either) and burned a lot of calories because I was constantly moving. As a result, by the end of the summer I weight 159 pounds. It was the lightest I had been since middle school so I was ecstatic.

Sadly, this is now the second semester of my Junior year and I now weight 176 pounds. My goal weight is 145 pounds or so, and I think for 5'6.5 that it'll be a healthy weight for me.

Anyways, I made this account a while ago and never used it but now i am going to try and see if the MFP community can help motivate me to my final goal. Feel free to add me, I love supporting people!