Getting REAL serious now!!

Hello, fellow fitness people!!

I'm a married 29 year old guy with 2 amazing little girls. After years of procrastinating about getting in shape, I decided to give P90X a try in January of 2013. I enjoyed the program right away, but there were times when I wasn't as consistent with it as I should've been and would skip workouts, not eat right, etc. After awhile, something clicked and I got very committed to not missing any workouts and eating right. I've currently lost 32 lbs. (I now weigh 193), but I would like to lose more weight and work on building more lean muscle. I'm now logging everything I eat on MFP and sticking to the right macros and calories. I also recently started a P90X/P90X+ hybrid, which has really helped with keeping things fresh and adding even more muscle confusion to avoid plateaus.

I feel that I've learned ALOT about fitness and healthy eating over the past year and I can help people, but I'm no expert so I'll need help as well!


  • Ryguy08
    Ryguy08 Posts: 61 Member
    By the way, I need some friends!! LOL
  • Scarbo1964
    Made it day 73 with P90X, started Crossfit and injured my ham. Trying to get back in the groove. Best of luck, it is a fantastic program. I'm trying to find workout format to get me thru a Spartan race.